Category: Nintendo Switch

Episode 502: Spring FluEpisode 502: Spring Flu

Jonah suffers from spring flu this episode, which you can probably here in his voice. There’s a long discussion about isometric roleplaying games, and for the first time in a while, there’s no Gaming Flashback.

This week’s news items include:

  • id Software partnering with Mad Max dev Avalanche Studios to develop Rage 2
  • Radical Heights developer Boss Key Games shuts down
  • Platinum claims it will “turn the action genre on its head”
  • Redditor leaks potential Star Fox racing spin-off from Retro Studios

Let us know what you think.

Episode 501: The Official Levis EpisodeEpisode 501: The Official Levis Episode

This episode follows the landmark 500th episode, and this next episode is dominated by Nintendo, both in the news and looking back at the Gaming Flashback for Wii Music and the infamous E3 performance starring Reggie Fils-Aime and Cammie Dunaway.

The news includes:

  • Nintendo Labo first week sales sluggish in Japan, UK
  • Atari announces Atari VCS pre-sale begins May 30th on IndieGogo
  • Eastfound looks to scratch that retro Zelda itch
  • Nintendo starts moving to a Wii-like “non-gamer” strategy for the Switch

All of this and Listener Feedback.

Episode 500: Celebration Time!Episode 500: Celebration Time!

After 11 years, VGRT Gaming Podcast, nee “Technical Diversions (TD) Gaming Podcast”, has hit the magic 500th episode, with not only former co-host Paul Nowak joining in on the celebration, but 2Old2Play’s Derek Nolan and former co-host Dan Quick sending their congrats as well. Paul’s presence is the go-ahead to give TJ and Scott permission to razz Jonah to no end, while Parker Brother board games are compared. This week’s Gaming Flashback is World of Goo.

The news for this magical 500th episode includes:

Question of the Week: “If you were a classic Parker Brothers board game, which would you be?”

[Song: “The Field Of Cormallen” by David Arkenstone.]

Episode 493: Finally, After Three TriesEpisode 493: Finally, After Three Tries

So, two weeks ago, the audio was so corrupted, there was nothing that could be salvaged. A week later, the podcast only had one track working, so it was like Jonah speaking to imaginary people only he could hear. This podcast is finally perfect, with Rock Band being the Gaming Flashback.

This week’s news includes:

  • System Shock reboot that raised $1.3M on Kickstarter is now on “hiatus”
  • Dragon Ball FighterZ’s premium DLC characters revealed
  • Rumor: Diablo III is coming to Nintendo Switch

Let us know what you think.

Episode 490: Switch EmulationEpisode 490: Switch Emulation

This week’s episode was recorded on time, but publication was late thanks to power outages again. There’s no discussion of Nintendo’s $70 cardboard arts and crafts project (that’ll be the subject of the next episode), but a Switch emulator does get some discussion.

The news this week:

  • Battlefield 1 is setting one of its maps free this week
  • LEGO Incredibles 2 and DC Villains games reportedly in the works
  • BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle has nabbed a Western release date
  • Stardew Valley creator teases multiplayer

This week’s Question of the Week is again “What popular game did you play long after its initial release?”

Episode 489: Late to the PartyEpisode 489: Late to the Party

This week’s episode is a little late due to a power outage. However, despite the lack of really interesting news, the crew still finds plenty to chat about.

This week’s news includes:

  • Switch outsells entire lifetime of Wii U in Japan
  • The Tomb Kings bring crazy new units and crafting to Total War: Warhammer 2
  • State of Decay 2 is still on for a spring release
  • Rebellion buys studio Radiant Worlds

The Question of the Week is, “What popular game did you play long after its initial release?”

Episode 483: Rolling OnesEpisode 483: Rolling Ones

This week’s podcast has been seriously delayed due to Jonah’s computer going belly up, then having to deal with reinstalling everything. Not to worry, however, since everything on the old hard drive was saved, learn more at If that weren’t enough, Jonah is enjoying his new Xbox One X Project Scorpio Edition.

The news of the week includes:

  • EA responds to community criticism of Battlefront 2 unlock system
  • L.A. Noire remaster requires 29GB, forcing Switch version to require MicroSD card
  • Physical media still “nation’s format of choice” for video games, says eBay
  • Xbox One S available for lowest price yet

If that weren’t enough, there’s about 30 minutes of outtakes we’re saving for the future as the gang talks about 2018. But that’s for an Outtakes episode.

Episode 475: Sterling ReviewsEpisode 475: Sterling Reviews

This week’s episode is 50% longer as the first 20 minutes or so are devoted to the reaction to Jim Sterling’s explosive review of Hellblade and his subsequent recanting later that day. This week has no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, but there are six news items to make up for it.

The items include:

  • EA talks about Nintendo Switch support
  • Rainbow Six: Siege “Operation Blood Orchid” update launches August 29
  • Myth-inspired RTS Deadhold charges into Early Access later this month
  • No Man’s Sky “Atlas Rises” update adds story content and “limited” online co-op
  • EA says Star Wars: Battlefront “lacked long-term goals”
  • Moons of Madness is Lovecraftian horror on Mars

Let us know what you think.

Episode 473: Jonah Bashes Zelda, Gets SnarkedEpisode 473: Jonah Bashes Zelda, Gets Snarked

This week’s episode features Jonah being seriously critical of the Zelda series and getting the aghast reactions from his co-hosts (and probably the internet at large). The crew also discusses games on laptops and dreaming about the games they’d played. There’s another Gaming Flashback this week, 2007’s Game of the Year, Yaris.

This week’s news includes:

  • Night Trap 25th Anniversary Edition to haunt PS4 and PC players in August
  • Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy spotted with Xbox One controls
  • Dragon Quest XI coming West next year
  • Assassin’s Creed Origins director says game won’t be on Nintendo Switch

The Question of the Week: “What game do you play most on your laptop?”

Episode 471: Nintendo’s LawyersEpisode 471: Nintendo’s Lawyers

Nintendo is the main focus of this week’s episode, but we can’t discuss the company too much or they’ll sic their lawyers on the podcast. Other than that, there’s plenty of safe things to discuss.

This week’s episode includes:

  • Evil Genius 2 in development at Rebellion
  • Nobody can find the source code for Icewind Dale II
  • Breath of the Wild players will learn more about Zelda in The Champions’ Ballad DLC
  • Where are all the Nintendo Switch game ports?

Also, learn about who won the contest, which was decided by the roll of a die.