Category: Nintendo Switch

Episode 423: Nintendo NXEpisode 423: Nintendo NX

This week revolves around Nintendo’s upcoming console. Otherwise, there isn’t much to speak of in terms of shocking news. However, there is a lot of it this time around.

The news items include:

  • Stardew Valley multiplayer, console ports confirmed
  • Nintendo NX launching March 2017, new mobile games on way
  • Oculus Rift arrives at Best Buy stores ahead of pre-orders
  • Nintendo won’t sell NX at a loss
  • Classic Sega Mega Drive ROM hacks hit Steam workshop

Question of the Week: “Ever play any console ROM hacks?”

Episode 422: Pop CultureEpisode 422: Pop Culture

This week’s a lot of discussion of comic book movies, including the upcoming “Captain America: Civil War”. In fact, it dominates most of the podcast. However, there is some discussion of video games.

This week’s news includes:

  • Free money suddenly showed up in some people’s Steam accounts
  • “Obviously there’s going to be another Borderlands,” says Gearbox
  • Rumor: Nintendo NX to be officially revealed this or next week
  • Rumor: Xbox One upgrade under development at Microsoft

Question of the Week: “Would you buy a updated console like the PlayStation 4.5 or Xbox One and a Half?”

Episode 421: Pursuit of HappinessEpisode 421: Pursuit of Happiness

This week’s episode morphs from a discussion about abusive workplace practices to pharmaceutical company practices. Otherwise, it’s just a discussion about the games people play and the people who play them. Also, a bunch of pop culture discussion.

This week’s news includes:

  • GameStop to launch video game publishing division
  • Sources leak potential Nintendo NX and controller specs online
  • Nintendo’s cloud-like patent approved
  • Ark: Survival Evolved lawsuit settled

The Question of the Week, “What games are you looking forward to this coming Summer?”