Category: world of warcraft

Episode 654: Witch DoctorEpisode 654: Witch Doctor

This week’s episode is very short, even though it’s packed with dense content. The crew discuss the faux Latin chanting in Elden Ring and The Quarry’s original deal with Google to be on Stadia.

The news this week also includes:

  • Activision Blizzard shareholders vote in favor of harassment report, despite board’s objections
  • Sonic Origins game modes detailed in fresh trailer
  • Fall Guys now free on Epic but de-listed from Steam
  • Blizzard confirms World of Warcraft Dragonflight expansion is out this year

Let us know what you think.

Episode 651: CataclysmEpisode 651: Cataclysm

This week the guys discuss the mistake that was World of Warcraft: Cataclysm in the Gaming Flashback. They also discuss all the mergers and merger rumors in the videogame industry in the past few days.

The news includes:

All this and responses to the Listener Feedback about Starfield.

Episode 538: Stretching ItEpisode 538: Stretching It

This podcast ran short, so to make sure it ran at least an hour, the guys ramble about the games that are coming soon. It’s good padding, but still padding.


This week’s news includes:

  • World of Warcraft Classic is coming in August
  • Another Vampire: The Masquerade RPG is in development
  • Minecraft celebrates 10 years with anniversary map

Let us know what you think.

Episode 462: Nerd RageEpisode 462: Nerd Rage

Jonah discusses his renewed views of Mass Effect: Andromeda after his long, long rant last week. It fits in with the theme of nerd rage in the news items, as well as some new games coming out. TJ and Scott talk about the games they’ve been enjoying in the past week as well, as the latter is burning through Pillars of Eternity so he can play Torment: Tides of Numenera and the eventual Pillars of Eternity II.

This week’s news includes:

  • Planescape: Torment 4K remaster comes out April 11
  • First Star Wars Battlefront 2 trailer dated for April
  • World of Warcraft has changed how enemies scale, and players are very angry
  • Destiny 2 officially announced, teasing the fall of The Last City

Let us know what you think.

Episode 449: More Technical DifficultiesEpisode 449: More Technical Difficulties

For the second week in a row, the podcast has had some technical issues. This time the problem was less, but there are still present. Part of the reason is that the mic is subpar, the other is that the PC it’s being recorded on has a damaged fan. That said, this week’s episode (and the unreleased episode) were really good. The unpublished one will be issued at some future date when we all need a break (maybe over the Christmas week.)

This week’s episode includes:

  • Assassin’s Creed 3 goes free, murders Ubisoft servers in the process
  • After Blizzard shutdown, legacy World of Warcraft server returns this month
  • Halo 5: Forge custom game browser is launching on PC this week
  • Report: Nintendo Switch will get GameCube Games

Let us know what your favorite 2016 game has been.

Episode 404: Rebel ScumEpisode 404: Rebel Scum

This week’s episode is a little late thanks to unforeseen circumstances, but nothing will stop us from posting new episodes. It’s actually one day late, since last week was a week off, thanks to Podbean limits and Halloween. On that note, this week, Jonah had to erase a spoiler segment about The Force Awakens, but enough remains of the convo discussing other parts of the upcoming movie.

This week’s news:

  • Sony not to offer backwards compatibility
  • Advertising Standards Authority rules Valve misled customers with Grand Theft Auto V Steam Sale
  • The Witcher movie slated for 2017
  • Ubisoft admits poor Syndicate sales are due to franchise fatigue caused by Unity
  • World of Warcraft paid subscribers at a nine year low at 5.5M

The Question of the Week is what we usually ask ourselves, but with all the new games coming out, “What have you been playing this week?”

Episode 386: Late Yet AgainEpisode 386: Late Yet Again

Another late podcast, as Summer is in sight, and E3 looms ahead. Some minor audio issues with the podcast, but still the same podcast-y goodness we can expect from Paul and Jonah.

The news includes:

  • Analysts: “Greed, fear, and the potential to change the world” will drive VR
  • Casey Hudson joins Microsoft
  • Humble Bundle debuts Wii games
  • World of Warcraft players are pissed their characters can’t fly
  • Final Fantasy 15 news coming next week

All that and Listener Feedback.

Episode 372: Sony and The InterviewEpisode 372: Sony and The Interview

After a week off, Gaming Podcast recounts the eventful week that saw Song kowtowing to cyberterrorists over a Seth Rogen comedy, while Jonah and Paul have mixed opinions on the controversy.

The news this past week were also big, including:

  • Massive patch for Assassin’s Creed Unity issued
  • Blizzard considering gold-for-game-time trades in World of Warcraft
  • Valve returns Hatred to Greenlight after removal
  • Humble Bundle has raised over $50 million

This week also sees new Listener Feedback, and the Question of the Week: “Have you used Humble Bundle?”

Episode 368: Black Friday ApproachesEpisode 368: Black Friday Approaches

As Black Friday approaches, Jonah and Paul discuss this week’s news after an absence. No Devin this week, as well as no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History. Paul loses it on the last news item, too.

As for the news:

  • Just Cause 3 announced for PC, PS4, and Xbox One in 2015
  • Nintendo talks third party, holiday strategy
  • Dev: It’s tougher to develop for kids than core gamers
  • Intel resumes advertising with Gamasutra
  • Xbox One sales triple following $349 promotion
  • World of Warcraft hit with DDoS attack as new expansion launches
  • Carbine: Redundancies are “part of game development”

The Question of the Week: “When did you first start buying games digitally?”