Tag: Blizzard

Episode 319: Someone Is Butt-Hurt About MicrosoftEpisode 319: Someone Is Butt-Hurt About Microsoft

There’s no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, but there is a crapton of news this week on TD Gaming Podcast, which Jonah Falcon and Jordan Lund eagerly read.

That, and Jordan really wants to know what you have been playing.

The news this week includes:

  • Microsoft officially announces indie self-publishing, to be unveiled at GamesCom 2013
  • Phil Fish explodes on Twitter, cancels Fez II in a huff
  • Shadow of the Eternals back on Kickstarter, no longer episodic
  • Neil Gaiman has announced his first videogame, Wayward Manor
  • Lanning: Nintendo will be around for “100 years,” but probably not Zynga or Microsoft
  • Activision-Blizzard buys out $8.2B of its own stock from Vivendi
  • Paid subscribership of World of Warcraft down to 7.7M

All this and Listener feedback.

Episode 304: Heart of the Swarm GiveawayEpisode 304: Heart of the Swarm Giveaway

Despite being recorded on April Fool’s Day, the podcast has no pranks, just a long political discussion and has Paul demanding no one say anything about BioShock Infinite. Speaking of that game, the crew announces the winner of the BioShock Infinite contest. This week has a Gaming History about the development of XCOM: UFO Defense.

This week’s news includes:

  • Cruel April Fool’s Joke posts fake Half-Life 2: Episode Three Steam page (see image below)
  • Path of Exile to feature yearly major expansions
  • Gamers want Assassin’s Creed every year, states UbiSoft Montreal
  • Former Diablo III director states the auction houses were a mistake
  • EA prez Gibeau: “DRM is a failed dead-end strategy”

There is a ton of feedback, plus a new contest to win a copy of Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm. The rule is the same as BioShock Infinite: listen to the podcast and comment on what is discussed.

Episode 294: Naked BribingEpisode 294: Naked Bribing

This week has a full crew again with Jordan, Jonah, Paul and Dan, and even though there’s no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, there’s a ton of news to pour over.

This week’s news includes:

  • Jay Wilson steps down from Diablo III stewardship
  • The Secret World sees ‘400% increase in activity’ after December relaunch
  • Mojang: Minecraft XBLA outsold Minecraft PC in 2012
  • Gas Powered Games confirms major layoffs
  • Sony settles lawsuit with Kevin Butler actor Jerry Lambert
  • Pachter: Nintendo is “a few years late” in everything they do

On a sadder note, Dan announced a day after the podcast recording that he will be employed full-time and no longer have the time to be a regular member of the podcast.

This week’s Question of the Week: “What game do you want to see a sequel to the most?”

Episode 289: Princess PodcastEpisode 289: Princess Podcast

In this episode of Gaming Podcast, Jonah states he got to see Wreck It Ralph, while Paul still can’t find a black Wii U. This week’s Gaming Flashback is the 2002 Gamecube launch title Super Mario Sunshine.

This week’s news includes:

  • The Lund Report: Black Friday 2012 NPD
  • Nintendo Power’s last issue released
  • Blizzard acquiredProject Blackstone‘ domain November 26th
  • Rumor: Next gen Xbox coming Holiday 2013
  • Dead Island: Riptide banned in Germany

All this and Reader Feedback, and the Question of the Week is, “Did you read many issues of Nintendo Power?”

Episode 272: Whinny 8Episode 272: Whinny 8

This week’s Gaming Podcast deals with Jordan Lund discussing how much negative flak Windows 8 has been getting, Daniel Quick being his usual Canadian self, Paul Nowak returning triumphantly, and Jonah Falcon just taking infamy in stride. This week’s Gaming Flashback is the derided Super Pitfall! for the NES.

As far as the news:

  • “Super-slim” PS3 will be a no-show at Gamescom
  • UbiSoft claims lack of new consoles penalizes creativity
  • Diablo III ‘God mode’ exploit for Wizard discovered
  • EA: Nintendo “on track to become primarily a software company”
  • Electronic Arts settles in Madden and NCAA monopoly suit

There is no Question of the Week – rather, the crew is waiting to hear your questions for them instead.

Episode 271: Paul-less PodcastEpisode 271: Paul-less Podcast

This week’s Gaming Podcast lacks Paul S. Nowak, who had to bow out due to illness, but there’s still Jonah Falcon, Jordan Lund and Daniel Quick to keep the podcast lively. This week features yet another weird NES title, Wall Street Kid, and some friendly Paul-less banter between the trio.

This week’s news includes:

  • Capcom: Street Fighter X Tekken DLC will never come to Xbox 360
  • Vivendi finding few buyers for Activision-Blizzard
  • Gearbox: “Wouldn’t be surprised” if more aggressive PC games start to appear
  • Grand Theft Auto V will support planes and jets, won’t have beta test

Jonah also startles Dan and Jordan with a “secret topic” with the $99 console, the Ouya, which leads to the Question of the Week, “Would you buy a $99 Android-based console?”

Episode 266: Get That E3 KickEpisode 266: Get That E3 Kick

Jonah Falcon and Paul S. Nowak return from the magical E3 2012 videogame convention and everyone has their own opinions on what they thought were the highlights and lowlights of E3. They also make their own predictions, as Dan Quick contemplates writing hate mail to Jonah for having access to SimCity and Need for Speed: Most Wanted.

The podcast also features some great news, including:

  • THQ closes their San Diego Studio, sells the UFC license
  • Ubisoft states annual Assassin’s Creed releases funded AC3
  • Vivendi may sell Activision-Blizzard

There’s also some Reader Feedback, as well as the new Question of the Week, “What did you take away from E3?”

Gaming Podcast 206: Drowning in PhlegmGaming Podcast 206: Drowning in Phlegm

This week we’re a bit sick, but the gaming podcast goes on regardless! We can’t seem to get away from the current hot topics of the week mostly involving Sony and hacking in the same sentences.  This week’s news includes:

  • Sony Sues Geohot and fail0verflow Team
  • Professor Labels Sony’s Suit “Breathtakingly Stupid
  • UbiSoft’s Walfisz Frets About PS3 Piracy
  • New PS3 Exploit Features Trophy Hacking
  • Modern Warfare 2 “Unplayable” on PSN
  • Blizzard: Heroic Cataclysm Dungeons Not Too Hard
  • THQ May Continue Price Experiment On More Games

This week Jonah gives out his review on Plants vs. Zombies and Bejeweled Blitz for XBLA and, giving away his copy of Plants vs. Zombies for the DS. This weeks question of the week, are you going to get a Nintendo 3DS?

Gaming Podcast 202: Eggnog BathGaming Podcast 202: Eggnog Bath

This week we’re creating our last gaming podcast before Christmas, no holiday break for us! We’re reading some of our community comments and taking a look back at both Pac-Land and the history of Atari post-2600 release. This weeks news includes:

This week’s question of the week is really simply, have a good holiday. Unless you want to answer the question, “where do you roast your chestnuts for the holidays?”

Gaming Podcast 194: Too Much Coffee Causes Genital HangnailsGaming Podcast 194: Too Much Coffee Causes Genital Hangnails

The longest title recorded on the books, let’s hope it fits! 🙂 This week we covered the gaming history for Adventures of Lolo and a bit about HAL Labratory all in honor of a new game we recently purchased to play with our kids: Kirby’s Epic Yarn. So far so good, our son is enjoying 2-player mode with us. This week we did an on-the-spot mini-review breakdown of Kirby’s Epic Yarn while hitting up some gaming news including:

Of course, a special thanks for Herr Alien and all his news posts this week, we got a bunch of them into the show. This week’s question o’ the week, what musician/group would you like to see featured in a video game and what genre would fit them?