Tag: Casual Games

Episode 316: Talkin’ About Candleja–Episode 316: Talkin’ About Candleja–

Jonah is getting ready for Vegas this weekend, so you know that whatever he does there will probably stay there. On the other hand, Jordan’s just beginning to check out State of Decay, while the winner of the T-shirt contest is announced. Also, for the first time in a long while, there’s a Gaming History – this one on the PlayStation 2.

This week’s news:

  • UbiSoft: Xbox One version of Watch Dogs more dynamic than PS4 and current-gen versions
  • Microsoft prez Don Mattrick leaves to be Zynga CEO
  • Sony: DualShock 4 controller’s light bar cannot be turned off
  • Indian PC gamers upset at Origin price increases

This week’s Question of the Week, “What’s your favorite indie game released in the last year?”

Episode 276: Covered in ConcreteEpisode 276: Covered in Concrete

Paul is not in the podcast, and will be out for the next couple of weeks as he recovers from major surgery. In the meantime, the podcast chugs on with three podcasters, as Jordan relays what he thought of the Sony Gamescom 2012 press conference.

In the meantime, the news items include:

All that plus Reader Feedback wishing Paul well (sorry, Kizer, we didn’t moderate your message til after recording), as well as this week’s Question of the Week, “When is the right time to cut the price of a console?”

Gaming Podcast 202: Eggnog BathGaming Podcast 202: Eggnog Bath

This week we’re creating our last gaming podcast before Christmas, no holiday break for us! We’re reading some of our community comments and taking a look back at both Pac-Land and the history of Atari post-2600 release. This weeks news includes:

This week’s question of the week is really simply, have a good holiday. Unless you want to answer the question, “where do you roast your chestnuts for the holidays?”

Our New Casual Games StoreOur New Casual Games Store

Every now and again we mention casual games on our Gaming Podcast and we’ve taken the opportunity to open a little store to sell some casual game titles. Our store is located at BuyCasualGames.com and carries titles publishes and distributed by Big Fish Games.

Lot’s of folks have found the games Big Fish publishers are great quality titles for a low cost (as casual games should be). We’ve been working with Big Fish Games for a few years on CasualGamerChick so we’re extending that to its own little website. If you’re looking to pickup a few casual games, this is a great way to get familiar with some titles.

A new game arrives each day and we have free downloadable trials that gamers can test drive before they commit on a purchase. If you’re into the casual gaming scene and want to help support us, use buycasualgames.com for all your casual gaming needs!

Games 2.0: User Generated Gaming?Games 2.0: User Generated Gaming?

In a world driven by the Internet, global economics and the short attention spanned reader we’ve been bombarded with social networks and 140-character micro-blogging. We’re constantly finding ways to promote ourselves, promote our brands or tell people what we’re eating for dinner. Is this obsession with ourselves and our creativity bridging into video games?

It’s games 2.0 people!. A time when we’re inventing our own video game stages, characters and full blown casual games! Not only are people getting a chance to design their own games with Microsoft’s XNA, Adobe Flash or from small independent casual games, but we can design our own stages in games like LittleBigPlanet.

Microsoft wants to remind us that Boku is much like LittleBigPlanet in its user generated video game content. Seen in this video below:

It’s obvious their going down the same path as Sony has gone with creating your own stages with LittleBigPlanet and creating a new way of gaming: playing other people’s stuff. You can find some similarities with Guitar Hero: World Tour‘s ability to create your own songs and publish them for others to play.

Are we heading down a generation of games where some of the best stages are created by fellow dedicated gamers? Or, is this just a distraction and means for developers to have gamers invigorate and create more of a demand for the games they are making the money on?

(Thanks, Destructoid)

As Seen On TV – Casual Game Label (Wii and DS)As Seen On TV – Casual Game Label (Wii and DS)

A 3D version of Deal or No deal sound desirable to you? Perhaps you’re a game show fan and just can’t get enough Howie, if so, you’re in luck. Koch Media announced their new casual games label As Seen On TV which will bring popular TV brands to the console.

At first we were thinking “a games division based on infomercials?” No, their intention is to bring familiar casual game experiences into the home. Many families sit down and share their experiences of TV viewing together when it comes to watching game shows, Koch Media plans to make this a bit more interactive and competititve.

When can we expect the games to hit the market? “We are delighted to be launching the As Seen On TV range during the key Christmas retail period,” said Craig McNicol, Managing Director at Koch Media.

(Thanks, CasualGamerChick)

Read on for full press release…


Kids with ADHD Are Benefiting from Casual GamesKids with ADHD Are Benefiting from Casual Games

Popcap does some pretty interesting surveys and their latest one is no different. Their finding kids with ADHD are benefiting from playing casual games. The idea makes a bit of sense if you watch your children playing video games.

While TV viewing is very non-interactive video games light your brain on fire with thought. Besides the obvious “brain games” Nintendo releases, casual games in general, seems to build some great skills for those with ADHD and, more than likely, everyone who games. Aside from games, products like CBD UK can be great when it comes to mood enhancements.

Seattle, Washington – July 16, 2008 – The very first account of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) was written in 1845 by Dr. Heinrich Hoffman, author of numerous books on medicine, psychiatry and children’s poetry. Though the disorder wasn’t “discovered” until 1902, Hoffman’s “The Story of Fidgety Philip” is universally accepted as the first illustrated description of ADHD. The good news is, the disorder has been around a long long time, and though difficult, the challenges of raising an ADHD child are not insurmountable. The better news is that according to a first-of-its-kind survey conducted by Information Solutions Group on behalf of PopCap Games, certain types of video games appear to have a therapeutic affect on the disorder, lessening symptoms and helping kids focus. And the best news? Kids love this form of therapy!

The games in question are family-friendly word and puzzle games known as “casual” video games that can be played on computers, video game consoles and mobile devices. Joe P. of Athens, Georgia, father of a child diagnosed with ADHD, writes in response to the survey, “He seems more relaxed and calm. We have also noticed after playing games, he can concentrate on school materials such as math, in which he has the biggest struggle, and not get frustrated with problems he doesn’t understand.” And Joanna G. of Oakland CA, a mother of four whose youngest daughter suffers with ADHD and SID (Sensory Integration Disorder), claims that all her kids enjoy the games and are calmer because they have control over something. She believes this is because “they are able to extend the time they can be focused and productive without problems and putdowns and feeling badly about themselves or being made fun of.”


PopCap’s Peggle Hits Retail ShelvesPopCap’s Peggle Hits Retail Shelves

Since the release of Peggle on February 2007, gamers around the world have caught on to the addictive casual game. Now those that didn’t download Peggle on Steam, Popcap.com or other electronic download site can buy at packed boxed version in retail outlets!

Peggle hits retail stores and the world will never be the same! You can download it for your ipod, on your PC and on your Macintosh but never before could you purchase it in a local store. Although, it seems, boxed casual games are the rarity, not the norm, the more outlets a developer like PopCap gets the better.

MSNBC listed Peggle in the top five most addicting games of all times, PC gamers couldn’t get enough and, eventually, Xbox Live gamers will have that same experience. If you’ve never played Peggle I suggest you run out and buy it when it arrives in retail stores… or just buy it online the way you could do for the last year and some change…


PopCap: Casual Gaming in AsiaPopCap: Casual Gaming in Asia

PopCap will try their luck in the Asian market for casual games. The US market and the Asian market are clearly different and have different likes and dislikes when it comes to video games, this can be seen in the division between the US first-person-shooter genre running wild and the success of FPS franchises in Japan (a great example being the Xbox 360 console).

Many eastern style games have a casual feel to them and PopCaps going to see how they’re feeling about titles like Zuma, Chuzzle, Peggle and Bejeweled. James Gwertzman, their new Asia/Pacific VP says, “This is the opportunity of a lifetime.” He believes success will be the result of this endevor.

What do you think, Asia/Pacific, ready for US casual games?
