Tag: Industry News

Episode 305: Duct TapeEpisode 305: Duct Tape

Paul and Jordan realize the brilliance of duct taping a flashlight to a gun barrel, while more Doctor Who fodder was recorded for a future outtakes episode. Jonah and Paul also express amazement there’s no Sugar Race racing based on the arcade title found in Wreck-It Ralph. Finally, the podcast eulogizes Roger Ebert.

The news for the week includes:

  • Disney shuts down LucasArts, cancels Star Wars 1313, Star Wars: First Assault
  • Thief to feature “classic mode”, removing all assists
  • Microsoft has a clear path to developing Killer Instinct after an agreement with Fox
  • The Witcher 3 confirmed to be DRM-free
  • Bethesda confirms “new version of Doom 4” being worked on, Rage 2 cancelled

There’s also Listener Feedback, and the Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm contest is still open – a winner will be announced next week.

Episode 304: Heart of the Swarm GiveawayEpisode 304: Heart of the Swarm Giveaway

Despite being recorded on April Fool’s Day, the podcast has no pranks, just a long political discussion and has Paul demanding no one say anything about BioShock Infinite. Speaking of that game, the crew announces the winner of the BioShock Infinite contest. This week has a Gaming History about the development of XCOM: UFO Defense.

This week’s news includes:

  • Cruel April Fool’s Joke posts fake Half-Life 2: Episode Three Steam page (see image below)
  • Path of Exile to feature yearly major expansions
  • Gamers want Assassin’s Creed every year, states UbiSoft Montreal
  • Former Diablo III director states the auction houses were a mistake
  • EA prez Gibeau: “DRM is a failed dead-end strategy”

There is a ton of feedback, plus a new contest to win a copy of Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm. The rule is the same as BioShock Infinite: listen to the podcast and comment on what is discussed.

Episode 303: BioShock Infinite Giveaway TimeEpisode 303: BioShock Infinite Giveaway Time

This week we’re giving away a free copy of BioShock Infinite for the Xbox 360! How do you win? Well, simply post a good comment! The contest winner will be announced two weeks from now.

In the meantime, the Gaming Flashback this time is the PlayStation One classic Chrono Cross, while Paul tries desperately to avoid listening to BioShock Infinite spoilers.

This week’s news includes:

  • THQ’s UDraw failure “invalidatedSaints Row: The Third‘s success
  • Levine: BioShock Infinite cost $100M to develop, and $100M to market
  • American McGee doesn’t “see anything meaningful” in the PS4, SimCity players “need to relax”
  • Schafer’s Double Fine Adventure project from Kickstarter is now Broken Age
  • Capcom announces DuckTales Remastered, developed by WayForward

All this and some Reader Feedback.

Episode 302: Just a TwosomeEpisode 302: Just a Twosome

This week Jonah and Jordan go it alone without Paul, which is unfortunately since the Gaming Flashback is the classic Nintendo 64 title Paper Mario. It might be just as well as the events of the last week made the crew ramble on about the industry at length, making the post much longer than usual.

This week’s impressive news items:

  • John Riccitiello steps down as CEO of Electronic Arts
  • Firaxis announces Brave New World expansion for Civilization V
  • Will fans back an Alice 3 Kickstarter, asks American McGee
  • Lord British explains Shroud of the Avatar‘s offline gameplay and DRM
  • Facebook of Italian automobile company mentionsGran Turismo PS4″
  • Team Meat sitting out on developing for next-gen consoles

Lots of Reader Feedback, but no Question of the Week this week – just too much show.

Episode 299: Here Comes the PS4Episode 299: Here Comes the PS4

This week is heavy on content on the PlayStation 4 unveiling as the next-generation approaches for both Sony and Microsoft – there’s no room for Nintendo in this episode. Nor is there a lot of Reader, er, Listener Feedback, nor any Gaming Flashback.

This week’s major news includes:

  • Sony unveils PS4 at “See the Future”
  • Sony: Pre-owned game blockage “up to publishers” on PS4
  • Fans express outrage at offline/LAN play for console version of Diablo III
  • Rumor: Microsoft revealing next-gen console in April
  • GameSpy, UGO, 1UP say farewell
  • Activision to have “fewer” licensed games out in 2013

The Question of the Week is “What was the first videogame periodical or site you enjoyed?”

Episode 298: Fireside PodcastEpisode 298: Fireside Podcast

This week’s podcast is rife with arguing between Jonah, Jordan and Paul regarding computer science in schools and have a long discussion about the future of the Wii U. In this episode, the earliest MMOFPS PlanetSide gets a Gaming Flashback.

As far as the news items for the week:

  • Obama: Games innovate technology, interest children in computer science
  • Destiny preorders at Best Buy reveal info about Bungie’s upcoming game
  • Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn beta begins the 25th February
  • Rumor: Sony will use Gaikai to stream PS3 games in PS4
  • Wii U sold around 50,000 units in US in January
  • Take 2 confirms acquiring WWE license

All this and Reader Feedback as well as the Question of the Week: “How important is backwards compatibility to you?”

Episode 297: Intendo With An IEpisode 297: Intendo With An I

[Note: Due to a mic issue, some of the podcast is slightly distorted.]

This week’s podcast was recorded a day early due to schedule conflicts, but we make up for it with an actual Gaming Flashback this week of one of the most famous recent RPGs, Knights of the Old Republic.

In addition, there’s a ton of news:

  • Brad Wardell states RTS’s aren’t dying – just waiting
  • Microsoft considered buying Sega at one point
  • UK: Wii U sells just 34,000 pieces of software in January
  • Next World of Warcraft update to arrive in the “coming weeks”
  • thatgamecompany had been bankrupt when Journey shipped
  • Report: Next-gen Xbox will feature Siri-like voice recog
  • Ubisoft plans new Assassin’s Creed game for 2013/14, set in a new time period

All that plus Reader Feedback and a Question of the Week: “What was the first roleplaying game you enjoyed?”

Episode 296: Still Need a NurseEpisode 296: Still Need a Nurse

Jonah is still plagued, though this time he’s suffering laryngitis that accompanied the flu. However, even without Dan or a Gaming Flashback, there’s a ton of news to pour over.

This week’s news items include:

  • Notch earned $101M in 2012, may buy car
  • Sony teases “See the Future” event on 20th February
  • Rumor: PS4 hitting Europe in 2014, will have 8GB GDDR5
  • Feedback leads Kawata to “slightly revise” opinions on Resident Evil
  • Take-Two delays Grand Theft Auto V to September 17th
  • Source Code director signs on for Legendary Pictures’ Warcraft adaptation
  • Controversial torture interrogation from Splinter Cell: Black List removed
  • Rumor: Halo 3 finally hitting PC – on Steam?

All that plus Reader Feedback and the Question of the Week: “What remake would you like to see done?”

Episode 295: We Need a NurseEpisode 295: We Need a Nurse

This week, Jonah has the flu, but still manages to host despite hacking and coughing (which was edited out of the podcast), and having a nasally voice as well. Jordan was not so lucky, and couldn’t make it at all. Despite all this, the crew manages to give Dan a sendoff in his last regular podcast.

The news was also pretty major this week, including:

  • THQ finally dissolved, assets auctioned off
  • Dead Space 3 micro-transactions for players wanting “instant gratification”
  • Disney Infinity to feature on-disc DLC, susceptible to movie spoilers
  • League of Legends Team Solo Medbi players receive lifetime bans for anti-Semitism and abuse
  • Sony fined 250K GBP for April 2011 hacker intrusion

We also have Reader Feedback and a new Question of the Week: “What kind of microtransactions are acceptable?”