Tag: Podcast

Episode 280: Episode 280: Full of Drugs and an XCOM ContestEpisode 280: Episode 280: Full of Drugs and an XCOM Contest

Jordan Lund can’t make Episode 280, but fortunately, Paul S. Nowak makes his triumphant return, albeit pumped full of medication. Enjoy his drug-fueled babbling as he waxes poetic on the virtues of playing social networking games while high.

He was lucid enough to discuss the following news items with the gang, however:

  • Cryptic calls for new MMO review system
  • BioWare Mythic “can’t make all Ultima fans happy” but hope they “enjoy nostalgia”
  • PS3 version of Black Ops 2 includes optional hi-res texture install
  • Wii U gamepad won’t be sold separately at launch

Gaming Podcast is also running a new contest to win a free Steam code for the hotly anticipated XCOM: Enemy Unknown remake. All listeners have to do is answer the Question of the Week in the comments section, “What is your favorite game from the 1990’s?”

Episode 279: Wii YouEpisode 279: Wii You

This week’s Gaming Podcast once again lacks Paul S. Nowak, which is a shame since the price for the Wii U has been released. Paul as the resident Nintendo representative would have been nice to have in the episode to give his views.

This week’s podcast includes the following news items:

  • Wii U priced at $300 for basic, $350 for deluxe
  • Dragon Age III: Inquisition officially announced
  • Obsidian unveils Kickstarter title Project Eternity, raise $1M in 24 hours
  • Cliff Bleszinski wants to see “no disc based games” next-gen
  • Guild Wars 2 surpasses 2 million units

We also announce the winner of the Borderlands 2 contest. This week’s Question of the Week, “What game(s) have you been playing this week?”

Episode 278: Second Chance to Win Borderlands 2Episode 278: Second Chance to Win Borderlands 2

This week’s episode has heated arguments between Jordan and Jonah, as this new podcast runs a little long. However, there are tons of news items to make up for the lack of a new show last week.

The news items include:

  • Bethesda’s Hines unexcited over next-gen console launch
  • Borderlands 2‘s melee skill tree for Zer0 “thanks to them ignoring” Pitchford
  • EA’s Gibeau brags he has not green-lit any single player games
  • Valve responds to angry indie developers over $100 Steam Greenlight fee
  • Crystal Dynamics: Lara Croft had become “unrelatable
  • City of Heroes may be saved from shutdown
  • Ron Gilbert blames point and click adventure stagnation on DOOM

The contest continues – just mention what your favorite game from the 2000’s was – and a winner will be announced next week.

Episode 276: Covered in ConcreteEpisode 276: Covered in Concrete

Paul is not in the podcast, and will be out for the next couple of weeks as he recovers from major surgery. In the meantime, the podcast chugs on with three podcasters, as Jordan relays what he thought of the Sony Gamescom 2012 press conference.

In the meantime, the news items include:

All that plus Reader Feedback wishing Paul well (sorry, Kizer, we didn’t moderate your message til after recording), as well as this week’s Question of the Week, “When is the right time to cut the price of a console?”

Episode 274: ShrinkydinksEpisode 274: Shrinkydinks

This week’s episode features the crew heavily reminiscing about videogames that first got them excited about the hobby, while Jordan Lund surprisingly takes a contrary opinion that shocks the other podcasters. In addition to videogame news, the Gaming History takes a look at the Nintendo 64DD.

This week’s news includes:

  • Star Wars: The Old Republic going free-to-play in Fall
  • Report: Next Xbox console will support Windows 8
  • Paul Dini no longer penning Rocksteady Batman games
  • 2K exec thinks photorealism is necessary for emotional games
  • Borderlands 2 worldwide release will be “uncut

This week’s Question of the Week, “When was the first time that you really got into video games?”

Episode 273: Flinging GutsEpisode 273: Flinging Guts

This week’s Gaming Podcast is a fairly routine one, with no Gaming Flashback or even a Question of the Week. However, this week features a ton of great news and industry discussion. Paul also announces that he will be unable to do the podcast in a few weeks for an extended period of time due to surgery.

The news items for the week includes:

  • Yoshida admits absence of Vita at E3 was a mistake
  • Irrational Games now includes 85+ Metacritic game requirement for employment
  • UbiSoft patches UPlay rootkit issue
  • Paradox Interactive announces dungeon builder Impire
  • EA: Current CEO John Riccitiello’s job is secure

All that plus Reader Feedback, check it out.

Episode 271: Paul-less PodcastEpisode 271: Paul-less Podcast

This week’s Gaming Podcast lacks Paul S. Nowak, who had to bow out due to illness, but there’s still Jonah Falcon, Jordan Lund and Daniel Quick to keep the podcast lively. This week features yet another weird NES title, Wall Street Kid, and some friendly Paul-less banter between the trio.

This week’s news includes:

  • Capcom: Street Fighter X Tekken DLC will never come to Xbox 360
  • Vivendi finding few buyers for Activision-Blizzard
  • Gearbox: “Wouldn’t be surprised” if more aggressive PC games start to appear
  • Grand Theft Auto V will support planes and jets, won’t have beta test

Jonah also startles Dan and Jordan with a “secret topic” with the $99 console, the Ouya, which leads to the Question of the Week, “Would you buy a $99 Android-based console?”

Episode 270: Same Bat Time…Episode 270: Same Bat Time…

This week is the battiest episode Gaming Podcast has ever done, and it’s not just because the crew argue over the first news item more emotionally than usual, but because it’s full of Batman. Lots of Batman. Plenty of Batman. In addition, the winners of the Spec Ops: The Line contest were also picked.

The news items this week include:

  • Square Enix exec says long console lifespans “biggest mistake”
  • No fee to be charged for connecting to Wii U network
  • Next Rocksteady Batman game will feature Silver Age Bats
  • Michael Fassbender pegged to star in Assassin’s Creed flick

All that and the question of the week, “Which Batman would you most like to see a game made from?”

Episode 269: Roundtable Time and Spec Ops: The Line ContestEpisode 269: Roundtable Time and Spec Ops: The Line Contest

This week is a special episode as Jonah Falcon cooks up a true videogame roundtable and is giving away three Steam codes for the latest third person shooter, Spec Ops: The Line, while Paul Nowak reads this week’s gaming flashback Wally Bear and the NO! Gang.

The videogame roundtable has the crew discussing two topics: videogame violence and “play to win” premium game portals.

All that plus Reader Feedback.

To find out how to win a copy of Spec Ops: The Line, listen to the podcast and find out how!

Episode 268: Fake Maple SyrupEpisode 268: Fake Maple Syrup

In this episode of Gaming Podcast, Daniel Quick discusses how to become a true Canadian, while Jonah Falcon talks about making blond, green-eyed characters. There’s no Gaming Flashback this week, but plenty of news items.

This week’s discussion:

  • Nintendo announces XL version of Nintendo 3DS
  • Dev claims Microsoft killed XBLA version of Stranger’s Wrath
  • New users must now pass “review process” to unlock full Diablo III
  • Dragon’s Dogma getting sequels after shipping 1M
  • Valve and Cartoon Network collaboration hints at Team Fortress 2 show

All this, and the Question of the Week is “What weird rituals do you do when playing videogames?”