Tag: world of warcraft

Gaming Podcast 135: Raging On World of WarcraftGaming Podcast 135: Raging On World of Warcraft

This week we’re reporting some news but we’re really raging on some World of Warcraft expansion rumors that raise the heat in the studio. Is it going to be worth it? Does it matter if you finished the last expansion? What exactly do you consider an expansion? So many questions. The news includes:

This weeks gaming flashback is a little adventure game known as Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Cartridge and our question of the week is simple: Will the World of Warcraft expansion get you to re-buy into the WoW experience?

Almost Three Million Lose Life To Lich KingAlmost Three Million Lose Life To Lich King

Wrath of the Lich King is the fastest selling game of all time beating the old champion: Burning Crusade. Believe it or not, Blizzard is saying 2.8-million people picked up the expansion to World of Warcraft and are currently sitting at home forgetting to eat their dinner in the first 24-hours of launch.

This probably doesn’t come as any surprise to Burning Crusade owners, but think on this… you can’t play Wrath of the Lich King without the core game and the Burning Crusade expansion. New adopters of the WoW haze will be investing a good deal of money, before monthly charges, to get into the full experience of Lich King.

The original Burning Crusade expansion sold 2.4-million copies in the first 24-hours, in some ways this is disappointing because their was only a minor influx in this new expansion. It’s hard to complain about epic sales on a game expansion, what other title can boast number so high for an expansion pack?

The real question is, how many gamers have taken days off of work to get their Death Knights to level 80 first?

Blizzard’s Next MMO, In DevelopmentBlizzard’s Next MMO, In Development

In yet another “no kidding” news item, Blizzard is working on some new MMO says Paul Sams, Blizzard COO, in an interview with videogaming247. This new MMO is going to be “cool, new, different,” he says but doesn’t give any details into it except that it’s not going to be easy.

With Lich King arriving, gamers should be looking forward to a few more strong years with World of Warcraft. Considering Blizzard’s ability to kick out a new expansion every year or so, we’ll know the new MMO will be launching because their expansion road map will go dry.

Much like Apple “dries the channel” when a new device is arriving, allowing stores to post their “sold out” signs, Blizzard will probably invest heavily in their new MMO and allow WoW to die down when they’re ready to make a transition. Or, will they?

Is there any advantage in leaving World of Warcraft as the clear contender if Blizzard is to hype a new MMO style game? Perhaps, if the game is in a completely different genre it might be possible, but some folks will no doubt cancel their Warcraft subscriptions to try out Blizzards next big thing. They’ve said nothing as to the property they’d be driving their next MMO to market with… will it be Diablo or perhaps a Starcraft MMO or something truly “new” and something really “different.”

If anyone in the market today is to begin development of a new MMO, it would seem Blizzard is going to be the most suited to developing another successful venture into this space. They have learned a lot over the years and can apply that knowledge to their next “different” online gaming franchise.

Watch out startups, Blizzard may be working on something even better than World of Warcraft.

Wrath of the Lich King, Midnight OpeningsWrath of the Lich King, Midnight Openings

It’s almost that time again folks, the next expansion for Blizzard’s World of Warcraft arrives the first minute on the 13th of November. This is the expansion we’ve all been waiting for, climbing the ranks to level 70 so we can enjoy all the fresh new content, preparing ourselves for Dark Knight status.

If you’re in the New York area, you’ll have a chance to meet CEO Mike Morhaime and executive VP of product development Frank Pearce. They’ll be a New York Best Buy signing copies of the title if you’re lucky to be in the area and plan to go out at midnight to get it. We’re not that lucky, but we’re also not standing in line this year for an event.

We’re trusting in Amazon and their promise to have the game at the door step on release day. If this isn’t the case, we’ll be playing some Burning Crusade content instead. If you want to join in the New York festivities read on for their full press release.


TD Gaming Podcast 94: Chicken and Subscription FeeTD Gaming Podcast 94: Chicken and Subscription Fee

Lots of great news in this weeks gaming podcast thanks to the holiday season approaching. We also take a retro style flashback to Space Invaders and talk about our attendance at the popcap launch party for Bejeweled Twist and a very light preview of our initial Guitar Hero World Tour impressions.This weeks news includes:

This weeks soapbox segement, we ask the question, does unlimited level creation cause bad press in video games?

Echos of Doom Is Alive!Echos of Doom Is Alive!

Although we reported the latest 3.0.2 World of Warcraft patch Live yesterday, we weren’t considering the sheer amount of gamers that would be jumping on to try all the new content. Honestly, the realms were up and down for hours – more down than up for our realm.

This update is absolutely huge and game changing. This is probably one of the largest updates since Burning Crusade in changes, updates and additions to the game play. Map changes, talent updates, game balancing and entirely new additions and a profession to boot.

We found ourselves spending a lot of time on the talent tree because this wasn’t a simple re-balance but a restructure of many character talents. Not to mention hunters pets getting their own talent trees. We tried to get our talents distributed and tested but the realm would go offline. Apparently, it’s been all smooth sailing today so hopefully gamers can actually… game.

Of course, the world is reacting to adjustments to the new profession. Because it relies on herbalism you may notice peacebloom and other basic materials sky rocketing to 12 gold in price, for what should typically be a few silvers. The “free market economy” is out of control with the changes, hopefully some of these will die down as gamers settle into their new profession.

Next, find 3.0.2 addon updates for everything we were used to. That’s a long road ahead.

World of Warcraft 3.0.2 Update – Live!World of Warcraft 3.0.2 Update – Live!

Echo’s of Doom will be live when the systems come back for maintenance. WorldofWarcraft.com was down for a bit today, probably to revamp and push the Lich King messages (which now splash the homepage prior to landing).

This patch brings a crap ton of content to the game including a lot of the lich king updates for character classes, user interface changes, calendar and other crazy awesome stuff. When you start the client, now, you’ll notice the front screen has changed to promote the Lich King content; it now resembles the client for all those in the beta.

The only downfall to the beta will be, once again, re-distributing your talent points. It’s free, so now is your time to re-spec and get ready for battling death knights in our near future!

Check out the full 3.0.2 Echo’s of Doom patch.

Wrath of The Lich King – Rune SystemWrath of The Lich King – Rune System

As the Wrath of the Lich King beta lives on, the world (and software behind it) is ever changing. Apparently, the rune system has changed a lot since its first inception. This requires a delicate balance, as the goal is a well rounded Death Knight class without epically overpowered features. Too much power and people will feel cheated while others feel overly destructive. End result, everyone would be a Death Knight.

The rune system that Blizzard has created is more straight forward than the initial system because it contains less variables. The Death Knight has a secondary bar, much like a Warrior, that starts empty and slowly climbs with “Runic Power,” an energy generated when you cast spells and expend rune energy. It works much like the warrior class, as it builds it will open up some abilities in your bar that were “grayed out” because they couldn’t be cast yet.

What the heck is a rune? Above your character profile you’ll have six little circles, called runes, these little guys work much like the rogues energy. The three styles of runes are: Blood, Frost and Unholy runes and they’re coordinated with your spells and sword strike abilities much like a paladin or warrior. Each rune “goes dark” when you expend its energy – this limits your access to use the Death Knights abilities much like expending all your rogues energy stops the rogue from using their neat features. However, once its energy is expended, it will grow your runic power a slight bit, “charging” it for later use.


Wrath of the Lich King – Dazed and ConfusedWrath of the Lich King – Dazed and Confused

It’s tough playing an expansion when new updates have changed a few ways the system works. I’ve also had some troubles because most of my addons do not function in the Lich King beta. There are a few quests that have left people confused and screaming “how do I turn in the horse quest?” when the repeated response “press 1 to turn in quest!!”

Along with new terrain comes new questions and new solutions, many World of Warcraft gamers are used to the areas found in Azeroth and throughout much of Burning Crusades content. One of the fresh new experiences of an expansion is being able to play the game you love, but with new experiences not simply “more experience.”

It took me roughly fourty minutes to figure out how to get on my mount and ride off into the sunset. Because they’ve changed a bit about how the mount is placed in your inventory, instead being in the “pet” tab in your character profile; this new addition was a slight adjustment to my usual method of play.

Although information is growing on Lich King and its content you’ll find the general chat the best place to get answers as others have already experienced much of the introduction areas once or twice; some folks are on their third iteration of their best Death Knight.

Thus far, the introduction areas are a great way to exercise the powers of the Death Knight and best understand your abilities. You’ll find yourself gaining epic amounts of experience with ease, pushing 12,000 experience for a basic quest. When you’re at level 55, you’ll need a ton of experience to level up so the newbie areas tends to doll out tons of experience to give you a clue how the game mechanics.

Initially, you’ll probably be wondering what runes are, runic powers and what the talents the Death Knight holds under his/her black cape of doom.


Beta: Wrath of the Lich King – Initial ReactionBeta: Wrath of the Lich King – Initial Reaction

The long awaited Wrath of the Lich King is here! By long awaited, really, I mean, I waited a long time to get patch after patch of the next expansion to Blizzards best of MMORPG. Although I don’t know the architecture to creating the patches, it seems so dated in methodology. Why must I download 5GB of patches when one can just supply me with an option to pull everything.

The initial download was roughly 1.8GB for what I assume would be “the DVD” you’d be buying in the store. Once I install that baseline it requires another roughly 1.2GB “update” before you can launch the application. Once you launch the WoW executable it must download another 500MB or so of patch data followed by another 100MB of patch data followed by another 500MB of patch data. Then, and only then, can you login and start playing!

My first option was to use the character I transferred over from Scarlet Crusade and jump into the world. Wishfully thinking, I also migrated over my addons to see what would work. After receiving more errors than I can explain I logged out and disabled all the addons. We’ll wait on those.

Within seconds I noticed the date in the top corner, it seems WoW has evolved over the years from a black vortex of time suckage to something a bit more user friendly. An older patch included a clock on the map so you know how many hours you’ve got before the sunrises, allowing you to sneak in a few hours of sleep before work. Now, they’ve included a calendar so you will know just how many days you’ve been up without food or drink. I kid.
