Month: December 2009

Gaming Podcast 154: 2010 PredictionsGaming Podcast 154: 2010 Predictions

This gaming podcast closes out the year of 2009, we’re going to put in our predictions for the year, we’re going to hear a few comments from listeners and flash back to a game that has yet to be (but is old enough to flash back): Duke Nukem Forever. You’ll also, finally, get the first impressions of Assassin’s Creed 2 and some game news including:

We’ll also ask for your predictions on next years gaming excitement. What are your predictions, in the game industry, for “twenty ten”?

Gaming Podcast 153: Shadow ManGaming Podcast 153: Shadow Man

This weeks gaming podcast flashes back to Drakkhan, touches on the history of Infocom and battles some gaming news in a time when gaming news is light. We’re reading some community comments and tackling these difficult headlines:

This week’s question of the week, what occurred in 2009 that “wowed” you, made you happy, built your excitement or just generally rocked your face off?

Gaming Podcast 152: Down UnderGaming Podcast 152: Down Under

This week’s gaming podcast is slightly light on news because nobody wants to inform the market about gaming updates, they don’t want to damage the holiday sales season. We might not be eating Vegemite sandwiches but there is no doubt Men at Work would love this episode. We’re flashing back to California Games, we’re hitting up some gaming history on artist and graphic designer Paul Jaquays. We’re reading some listener comments while handling these news tidbits:

This week’s question of the week, what do you think of Tiger Woods and his role with Electronic Arts? Will they keep him on the cover?

Gaming Podcast 151: Ugly BabyGaming Podcast 151: Ugly Baby

This week we’re touching on a couple key gaming podcast style stories. We didn’t get through the gaming history this week because we had a lot of content to cover. We did, however, hit up the gaming flashback with M.U.L.E and learn about Tony Hawk’s ugly baby. This weeks gaming podcast includes:

This week’s question of the week: Are you ready for a next-generation console yet?

Gaming Podcast 150: FPS ClanGaming Podcast 150: FPS Clan

This week’s gaming podcast brings back the old game Lemmings in our flashback while covering the history of DMA Designs. We’re also going to explain to you why we’d never make an FPS clan. This weeks news includes:

This week’s question of the week, would you rather have the “Swiss army knife” of gaming hand-held systems that does it all, but features must be turned off to conserve battery life or a more focused hand-held platform that does just what’s needed with no additional bells and whistles?