Gaming Podcast 207: Warm and Fuzzy

This week’s gaming podcast, we’ve got 3DS coverage and we’re going to make sure you know it all before you guy. What are you getting, what’s the 3DS slider do? Why do you want this thing? Find out here! This weeks news:

  • Nintendo 3DS Price, Release Date Revealed
  • Unanswered 3DS Questions
  • Rumor: Sony to use serial keys and limited activation
  • Activision Claims EA Tampered With Infinity Ward
  • Investors “Wary” of Star Wars: The Old Republic

So, now you know everything you need to about the 3DS, really want one? Don’t have to answer that, but… Question of the Week: Are there any games you enjoy that require physical exertion?

0 thoughts on “Gaming Podcast 207: Warm and Fuzzy”

  1. @3DS:
    Regarding the bunch of titles, converting existing ones to 3Ds shouldn’t be too hard. Basically, render the scene two times, with a small displacement in position. That’s a minor change.

    @Sony to use serial keys and limited activation
    Keygens all the waaaay!!!
    As for limited activation, wtf?! Did they forgot the reaction when Bioshock did limited activation?
    Next thing is the Ubisoft DRM …

    @ EA Tampered With Infinity Ward
    You need much stronger proof that that. EA can claim that the e-mail account was used by somebody else.
    The only way e-mails stand as proof in court is if they’re digitally signed.
    Ok, the mail does spark controversy. But if somebody can prove that they’re not genuine, then Infinity Ward’s case is toast(ed).

    @Question of the week:
    If I plug in a CRT monitor and set it to 60Hz, I will definitely get some physical exertion … I mean I am pretty sure I’ll get muscular fever in my eyes 😛

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