Bad economic times mingled with company acquisition spells disaster for many game titles but the story ends well, we hope, for Ghostbusters. The game was slated for a Holloween release, last year, but was given the boot by Vivendi when they merged Activision and Blizzard. There is only so much room for projects and management when two companies combine, Ghostbusters was given boot.
Atari picked up the franchise once it was slammed to the cutting room floor and the team has since been given a second chance. Not only did Atari give them access to a channel for publishing, they asked the developers for a wish-list of things they could have done different. They then granted all the changes, in effect, giving the developers a second chance to update the title and make the story telling and game better than it would have been if they hit their original date.
Being picked up by a developer and being given the chance to update the game in ways you really only had dreamed means we, as gamers, will be getting the real title. The biggest factor for a crappy game is the time and money to get the job done. Unfortunately time and money are in constant battle with money usually arriving as victor.
Now, developers are being given the time to do it right at the expense of a little more money in the investment. A once in a lifetime change that could put a “would be” dead franchise in the top spots.
(Thanks, BlendGames)
@Wii U sells 1.2 games per console
Hmm, lemme see, what would that be … I say it is that the bundle was so very compelling. Yep. Trust me.
While we’d all like to make our choices based strictly on the experience we’d get from a product, price does matter.
@BioWare was planning spy action title in 2009
Oookay … so? I also wanted to buy an SUV in 2009, but that doesn’t mean I now own one.
I did hear and play NOLF around 2007, but mainly to see what the LithTech engine could do; back then I was into modding, and the game I was interested in used the same engine.
@Hitman Facebook app removed for off-color joke
The app is actually funny! I guess if they just re-worked the hit message things would have worked out differently.
@Activision: Black Ops II grossed $1 billion in 15 Days
This is ridiculous. This will definitely shift the focus from movies to games, for all major entertainment companies. I mean come on, 1 billion bucks!
Regarding SP versus MP, I do play the campaigns. I guess it’s a scar of my internet-less past :P. Thing is, even now I prefer a good SP story over a good MP.
@What’s the most offensive thing you’ve seen in a videogame?
Hmm … dunno. I mean since it’s a video game, I don’t really think of them as offensive.
I guess me. I’m the most offensive thing I saw in STALKER Clear Sky. The god damned guide kept asking me “What’s with the stalling?” and “Is this a starring contest?” while I was minding my own business investigating my inventory . So I pulled out the handgun and put a bullet in his head.
@Nintendo Weakness
Since I missed out last podcast, I never read Nintendo Power. I used to read the Official Nintendo Magazine which was aimed at the UK gaming market. Since we only get like a 1/4 of Nintendo games that come out in US, there was no point in reading an import mag.
@Wii U tanking harder than Titanic
I read the Famitsu report. 7th best launch in Japan. Just to tell you how bad it is, PS Vita was 6th. In UK every store bundled the Wii U with a whole bunch of games. You can’t buy a premium unit for £300. You have to buy it for £400+ with a boatload of games you probably don’t want. Because there is only one game worth of anyones attention. The Mario game which is a remake of a remake of a remake of a remake.
This is a blatant publicity stunt. No way can I believe that serious men sitting around a table would decide that this app was a good idea.
@Record breaking
“And now in other news of 2015, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 grossed $3 billion dollars from pre-order deposits alone.” I don’t expect this record breaking to persist. Call of Duty is running out of steam. At least that’s what it feels like.
Since I am Russian I get a little offended when shooting games portray us as low-intelligent over-violent trigger happy brutes. Then again, it’s less of an issue these days since the US started an open season on Arabs.
One thing I do remember was when I was playing House of the Dead: Overkill on the Wii. During the first level cutscene you are introduced to the main bad guy talking to a paralysed kid in a wheelchair. The bad guy smacks him on the face with his cane and calls him a cabbage. I know that this game was specifically built to offend the soft audience of the Wii. But there are some jokes that are just in poor taste.