Xbox Reveal Live Stream

GameTrailers is live streaming the Xbox Reveal Event at 10am PST / 1pm EST – check it out in the video below after the break and let us know what you think!

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Episode 467: Reunion ExtravanganzaEpisode 467: Reunion Extravanganza

The landmark episode was recorded two weeks ago, but the audio was absolutely terrible, with over a half-an-hour having to be excised. It’s a pity, because it featured both Videogame Roundtable originals Paul Nowak and Jordan Lund guest-hosting for a massive (for this podcast) five-man crew.

To make up for it, Jonah and T.J. recorded a half-hour discussion of upcoming games that they might check out at E3.

There won’t be a podcast for another 3 weeks, until E3 is over, so for now. Enjoy the podcast, and sorry for the middle hour — the audio cleans up in the last part.

Episode 420: Light It UpEpisode 420: Light It Up

The number of the episode does not escape notice from the podcast crew, especially a week before April 20. Aside from that, much is made of the release of Dark Souls III, which T.J. Denzer enthusiastically enjoys. The despicable firing of Alison Rapp is also noted from the unaired podcast recorded last week.

This week’s news includes:

  • Former head of Rockstar North sues developer, alleges $150M in unpaid royalties
  • Oculus apologizes for Rift shipment delay, taking steps to speed delivery
  • The Nintendo NX might include Wii U ports
  • Forbes claims Nintendo NX will likely output 4K

Let us know what you think!

Episode 346: Back PainsEpisode 346: Back Pains

Paul wasn’t able to make it for this podcast thanks to a hospital trip due to back pains, but Jordan and Jonah get into it a little themselves. They also avoid the predictable April Fool’s gags since even though the episode was recorded April 1, it wasn’t going to air until 2 days later. This week’s Gaming Flashback is Ubisoft’s first person shooter Far Cry.

The news this week includes:

  • EA deletes nasty Wii U April Fools’ tweets
  • Indies praise Xbox One self-publishing – but Microsoft must drop its launch parity policy
  • Uncharted 4 game director leaves Naughty Dog

Also included is Listener Feedback and the Question of the Week, “What was your favorite videogame-related April Fool’s joke?”