Episode 338: Movie Talk

Sorry for the delay – last week Jordan had a medical emergency, but he’s all better now. In this episode, he and Jonah get sidetracked at one point talking about movies and the film At World’s End.

The actual videogame news they discuss include:

  • Nintendo evaluating new business, “studying” smart devices
  • Microsoft paying YouTubers for Xbox One mentions
  • Star Wars 1313 trademark abandoned
  • Sony creating new PS3 hardware for PS Now

This and a little Listener Feedback. This week, we’re looking for you to ask us questions.

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The show does cover one news item:

  • Zelnick regrets predicting THQ’s demise in six months

Finally, a new contest: win a free copy of Civilization V Special Edition on Steam. To win it, just state what your favorite civilization in history is and why. All that and Reader Feedback and a special surprise at the end!

Episode 542: Beware the Crab Lasers of DoomEpisode 542: Beware the Crab Lasers of Doom

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The news that does get discussed includes:

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  • NBA 2K19 fans are unhappy at an increase in the number of in-game unskippable ads

Let us know what you think.

Episode 701: Carts and GlitchesEpisode 701: Carts and Glitches

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The news includes:

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  • Cities: Skylines 2 studio promises performance issues can and will be fixed
  • PlayStation 5 Slim disc drive seems to require internet connection to install
  • Xbox sees record-breaking Q1 gaming revenue
  • Hogwarts Legacy Switch Day One update is larger than game’s cartridge size

Let us know what you think.