Episode 493: Finally, After Three Tries

So, two weeks ago, the audio was so corrupted, there was nothing that could be salvaged. A week later, the podcast only had one track working, so it was like Jonah speaking to imaginary people only he could hear. This podcast is finally perfect, with Rock Band being the Gaming Flashback.

This week’s news includes:

  • System Shock reboot that raised $1.3M on Kickstarter is now on “hiatus”
  • Dragon Ball FighterZ’s premium DLC characters revealed
  • Rumor: Diablo III is coming to Nintendo Switch

Let us know what you think.

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The Calm Before The Storm, Why No News?The Calm Before The Storm, Why No News?

Journalists and bloggers around the Net are doing whatever they can to scrape up news on the gaming industry. What’s the deal, it’s a Monday and nobody in the gaming industry has anything really big to announce, talk about or “leak” onto this here Interwebs?

Sure, we can read about a 7 year old’s request for game design tips for Little Big Planet, more than enough DSi news beating down the same door over and over or pour through pages upon pages of Warhammer Online reviews. But, where is the news?

Here is some news for you: nobody wants to make waves in the game industry right now. Consumers around the globe are looking for what is hot and what is not for the holiday rush. Parents are watching their children and looking to see what they’re talking about to build an internal memory of this years wish list of items. Maybe a Wii Game or a DS game or a 360 console or perhaps the PS3.

Moms and Dads are looking at the entertainment industry to find the best bargains and deals so we can stow away our tech toys in closets, basements and attics for holiday mornings. You don’t have to celebrate Christmas to be looking for great game deals this holiday season.


Episode 559: Welcome to 2020Episode 559: Welcome to 2020

Welcome to the future, as Jonah, Scott and TJ ring in the new year, as this week’s Gaming Flashback reminds Jonah of what his favorite game of the decade was. (Spoiler: Mass Effect 2.) In fact, the game is so good Jonah and TJ talk about it for an hour before discussing the week’s generally weak news.

This week’s topics include:

  • Report: New Switch model launching in 2020
  • The Ni No Kuni movie is coming to Netflix
  • Silent Hill Art Director Masahiro Ito announces a new video game
  • Vice City: Remastered for Grand Theft Auto 5 mod released

Was 2010 the best year for games in the 2010’s? Let us know.

Episode 403: Jam and the HooligansEpisode 403: Jam and the Hooligans

The episode is a day late, sorry about that, folks. In this episode, we wish Paul was with us to discuss what he thought of the release of Jem and the Holograms in theaters. The banter is strong, but not overstuffed like last week.

Lots of news this week, however:

  • Konami insists Hideo Kojima still works at company
  • 343 Industries not ruling out PC port of Halo 5
  • Rebellion rescues Kickstarter backers from GRIN’s bankruptcy
  • Classic car combat RPG Autoduel may be making a comeback with inXile
  • Pete Hines: Entire game not on Fallout 4 PC disc
  • Vivendi seeking more shares of Ubisoft, board seats

The Question on the Week: Do you prefer first person or isometric RPGs?