Episode 691: Lost Transformers

The guys discuss Baldur’s Gate 3 and Dead by Daylight, as well as other topics.

This week’s news items include:

  • Rumor: Elder Scrolls 4 remake is in development
  • Cities: Skylines 2‘s maps will be about 5 times as large as those of the original
  • Hasbro says Activision has lost its Transformers games on a hard drive in its offices somewhere
  • Baldur’s Gate 3 has a “hidden skill tree” for Illithid powers

Let us know what you think.

0 thoughts on “Episode 691: Lost Transformers”

  1. Hi guys.

    Thanks a lot for your work with this episode!
    It’s always fun listening to you guys talking about the different games and all the stuff around it 🙂

    I did not play that much pc or video games lately, because I was a lot in the road for concerts. I played a lot of Pokémon Go because I am waking around a lot (about 15 kilometers a day), just to be not in my apartment and to set my mind free (I hope that’s the correct translation).
    I want to play BG3 as well but first I want to finish some other games (God of war (not the last one … the one before that!!!)and True Colors)… I hope time will come when I sit down and relax … maybe if I move to a new apartment.
    This week there will be games con here in cologne. Does anyone of you plan to visit? Or did visit, depending when you read this 🙂 ).

    Greetings from Germany,

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