Episode 720: Yu-Gi-Oh Stinks!

This week, the guys talk about how Yu-Gi-Oh players stink, literally. Aside from that, they also discuss the Star Wars Outlaws‘ $110 and $130 editions, Palworld‘s PvP arena, the Rogue Prince of Persia getting revealed, yet another Stardew Valley patch is on the way, Activision Blizzard and NetEase renew their agreement to publish games in China, and free updates heading to Fallout 4.

The news includes:

  • Sega declares 2024 the Year of Shadow the Hedgehog
  • Slay the Spire 2 releases in 2025
  • EA denies rumor that it canceled an in-progress Dead Space 2 remake
  • The Dread are the new enemy faction coming to Destiny 2

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The Incredible Machine (TiM) is a game designed and developed by Kevin Ryan and produced by Jeff Tunnel (now co-founder of GarageGames and their successful title Marble Blast Ultra on the 360 and co-founder in Dynamix makers of A-10 Tank Killer and The Red Baron). At the time, The Incredible Machine series came out of the shop known as Jeff Tunnel Productions.

Jeff Tunnel Productions published the first Incredible Machine games from 1993 to 1995 while Sierra Entertainment published all the rest of their titles all the way up to 2001. What is The Incredible Machines all about? It’s a game where you must build a series of Rube Goldberg devices in a “needlessly complex fashion” all to perform some simple tasks. That is the entire point to a Rube Goldberg device, which was originally defined as “accomplishing by extremely complex roundabout means what actually or seemingly could be done simply.”

I think everyone has seen a Rube Goldberg device, their are examples in science museums, and entire Myth Busters Episode about them, they appear in many movies (Goonies used one to open the fence to let in Chunk after he does his dance as did Doc Brown in Back to the Future to cook his breakfast and get his dog food).


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This, and the most contentious Reader Feedback ever.