Tag: 360

Episode 249: Milestone LoomingEpisode 249: Milestone Looming

For those of you good at math, you might notice that the TD Gaming Podcast is one episode away from a special number. While we have a surprise in store for loyal listeners, there’s still this week’s news to discuss. For starters, the classic Silent Hill 2 is the subject of the Gaming Flashback, even though none of the podcasters have gotten a chance to actually play it.

There’s also some interesting news to discuss, including:

  • Christian group accuses The Old Republic of “warping kids” with pro-gay message
  • Rumor: Next Harmonix project being released on XBLA, PSN, and Facebook
  • EA Sports: SSX will bring extreme sports videogames back to prominence
  • Xbox 720 rumors springing up like wildfire
  • PS Vita continues to struggle in Japan
  • SNK brings Neo*Geo back as a handheld

There’s plenty of Reader Feedback, but there’s no Question of the Week, because there’s a special episode coming up. Ooooh, what could it possibly be?

Episode 243: Bashing MicrosoftEpisode 243: Bashing Microsoft

The latest episode, which is on the short side after having a really long one two weeks ago, sees Paul returning from the flu with somewhat of a shady attitude this week. Meanwhile, the Gaming Flashback is the 1976 coin-op arcade game Blockade.

The news for this week includes:

  • Gabe Newell teases something for E3 2012 with a “3” in it
  • Richard Garriott working on Ultima successor
  • Microsoft includes “do not class action sue us” clause for Xbox Live
  • Bizarre circumstances surround GSC Game World

All that plus Reader Feedback and the Question of the Week, “What was your favorite handheld game?”

Episode 241: Air QuotesEpisode 241: Air Quotes

This week features a long podcast, as there’s a ton of news to report. Jonah tries air quotes on a pure audio podcast, while Paul refuses to believe The Legend of Zelda: Skyword Sword failed to hit the top 10 in software sales.

In addition, the Gaming Flashback checks out the JRPG Ys.

This week’s news includes:

  • Ubisoft polling gamers for next Assassin’s Creed setting
  • Electronic Arts bans a user for saying “badass”
  • Newell: Piracy is “almost always a service problem” and not price, DRM agitates
  • Christwire makes mock petition asking Pres. Obama ban Skyrim
  • Holiday shopping madness sees woman pepper spraying for 360
  • Microsoft refunds victims of Marketplace phishing scam

All this, and a bunch of reader feedback, as well as the Question of the Week: “Did you buy videogames as holiday gifts for friends and family?” Let us know.

Episode 221: FireworksEpisode 221: Fireworks

It’s the Smurfiest post-Fourth of July podcast ever, as Jonah Falcon and Jordan Lund look back at the ColecoVision classic Smurfs: Rescue from Gargamel’s Castle, probably the easiest videogame ever Smurfed.

If that weren’t Smurfy enough, Jonah and Jordan, working without Paul S. Nowak this week, also check out this week’s Smurfy news:

  • Xbox 720 with Halo 4 launch in 2012?
  • PS4 also in 2012, with embedded Kinect-like motion control?
  • Crytek says Kinect development is “really, really easy.”
  • Sony working on new PSN redesign?
  • Questions over alleged early close of Sony’s Welcome Back offer.

This week has a ton of Smurfy reader feedback, as well as reaction to Sony’s crackdown of Star Wars Galaxies shutdown petitioners. If that weren’t Smurfy enough, the Question of the Week is pretty Smurfy as well, as readers are asked, “What game that you can’t find anywhere anymore do you wish you could play again?”

As usual, hit us up on iTunes and leave some comments!

Gaming Podcast Episode 218: Introducing PaulGaming Podcast Episode 218: Introducing Paul

The listeners of Gaming Podcast finally get introduced to the third member of the Videogame Roundtable podcast team, Paul S. Nowak, who only desires hate mail and more time playing Dungeon Overlord on Facebook. This week, the Gaming Flashback looks back at the Gamecube title mentioned by Jordan Lund last week, Eternal Darkness, and the guys respond to the reader mail from episode 217, and if you’re interested in other types of games such as escape rooms you can visit the Room escape games in Portland Oregon just for this.

The trio also discuss the following news items:

  • Microsoft: Halo won’t be a yearly franchise
  • Analyst: Kinect appealed to “more hardcore” than expected
  • 2M users sign up for COD: Elite beta
  • Wizardry Online announced, will feature permadeath

This week’s Question of the Week: How much do you think the Wii U will cost? All this and more in this delightful podcast that will have you begging for more.

2M Users Sign Up for COD: Elite Beta2M Users Sign Up for COD: Elite Beta

Activision’s Dan Amrich posted in his One of Swords blog that two million users have signed up Call of Duty: Elite‘s beta, who said the number “blew his mind” when “they hit that number in less than two weeks. That should give the dev team at Beachhead plenty to work with to kick off the beta, which officially starts July 14.”

“The official start of the beta is a month away, so there’s still plenty of time for you to sign up. When the studio head at Beachhead said this would be a live beta, he was not kidding — your participation really can make a difference in how Elite evolves,” added Amrich, “And don’t be discouraged by the big number, thinking you shouldn’t bother because they already have enough people — two million volunteers among 30 million Call of Duty players is a small amount. More would be even better. Once you’ve signed up, just watch your email inbox for an invite.”

The 2M beta applications aren’t necessarily an endorsement for Elite. Rather, users are probably curious to see the beta and if it pleases them. The paid subscription portion reportedly only represents 10% of Elite, anyway, and is aimed at more “professional” and “hardcore” gamers, aka clans.

Users can apply for the beta here.

Gaming Podcast 197: Analysts with Thumbs UpGaming Podcast 197: Analysts with Thumbs Up

Gaming Podcast 197 explores our inner child in terms of buying peer pressure, our thoughts on some analysts and, of course, reactions to user responses. Also, we’ve got news, as you may have guessed and it includes:

This week’s question of the week, do you fall for game sequels, are you just drawn into them over and over again? Which ones?

Gaming Podcast 164: Baby SealsGaming Podcast 164: Baby Seals

This week we’ve refrained from beating baby seals to do a gaming podcast. Whatever that means, we’re busting through some great community feedback, cranking through the history of Boulder Dash, mashing through the game history on G.O.D – Gathering of Developers while hitting up the game news of the week:

  • Portal 2 has been announced
  • Ubisoft’s new DRM fails (big surprise)
  • Ubisoft’s DRM cracked
  • Steam Coming to the Mac
  • Microsoft looking for a 360 motherboard designer

This weeks question of the week, what world environment would you like to see your favorite game sequel take place in?

Gaming Podcast 151: Ugly BabyGaming Podcast 151: Ugly Baby

This week we’re touching on a couple key gaming podcast style stories. We didn’t get through the gaming history this week because we had a lot of content to cover. We did, however, hit up the gaming flashback with M.U.L.E and learn about Tony Hawk’s ugly baby. This weeks gaming podcast includes:

This week’s question of the week: Are you ready for a next-generation console yet?

Gaming Podcast 137: BeateratorGaming Podcast 137: Beaterator

This week’s gaming podcast covers a bunch of topics you’d expect to hear in a gaming podcast. What? Yeah, we’re flashing back to Master of Orion and taking a little look into the background of Stephen Barcia all while covering a bit of news and community comments. This weeks news includes:

This week’s question of the week is pretty simple: what, in your opinion, is the best generation of consoles from the earliest until today’s consoles?