Tag: FPS

Episode 322: Xbox One, PS4 Launch LineupsEpisode 322: Xbox One, PS4 Launch Lineups

This week’s episode as a guest in the form of Jordan Lund’s wife Jennifer. There was to be a Gaming History, but it’ll be used next week when there’s more time.

This week’s news includes:

  • Microsoft Points transformed into cash
  • Gamers can return digital titles on Origin after a week
  • Bungie feels Destiny can be bigger than Halo, as big as Star Wars
  • Borderlands 2 coming to PlayStation Vita
  • Sony announces 33 “launch” titles for PlayStation 4
  • Microsoft announces launch titles for Xbox One
  • The Sims 4 emotional gameplay revealed at GamesCom 2013

All this and Listener Feedback, with the same “console or PC gamer?” question from last week.

Episode 315: Titanfall T-Shirt Contest ContinuesEpisode 315: Titanfall T-Shirt Contest Continues

This week’s podcast is fairly heavy on the Xbox One news, but at least it makes for a themed podcast. Jordan expresses his fears at controllers that look at you, while QWOP and Surgeon Simulator 2013 are discussed.

This week’s news includes:

  • PS4 did have always on DRM, camera, but Sony changed it at E3
  • Report: Xbox One’s capabilities better than Microsoft expected
  • Report: Xbox One will be able to run Windows 8 apps
  • Xbox One getting Unity support to aid indie developers
  • Half-Life 3 rumors squashed by Surgeon Simulator 2013 dev
  • Star Citizen asset cost for ships “anywhere from $35,000 to $150,000”

The “Win a Titanfall T-shirt” contest continues. Merely answer, “What game at E3 impressed you the most?” to enter to win a large size tee.

Episode 309: Best Episode Ever?Episode 309: Best Episode Ever?

[This episode is unedited, so be prepared for some naughty language.]

This week has some stunning news items, causing an overstuffed, long episode, so big even Jordan’s wife chimes in, and Jonah and Paul argue hotly over the last item. The Gaming Flashback for this episode is Super Star Wars.

This week’s huge news:

  • EA gets exclusive license to publish Star Wars games, powered by Frostbite 3 engine
  • Uplay causing problems with Steam version of Heroes VI expansion Shades of Darkness
  • The Sims 4 officially announced by Electronic Arts
  • Michael Biehn hints at Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon sequel
  • Doritos Crash Course 2 coming May 9, still free
  • Spiritual successor to Eternal Darkness hitting crowdfunding on May 6
  • Gearbox dismisses Aliens: Colonial Marines lawsuit as “beyond meritless”

Also some listener feedback, plus this week’s Question: “What was your Golden Era of videogaming?”

Episode 305: Duct TapeEpisode 305: Duct Tape

Paul and Jordan realize the brilliance of duct taping a flashlight to a gun barrel, while more Doctor Who fodder was recorded for a future outtakes episode. Jonah and Paul also express amazement there’s no Sugar Race racing based on the arcade title found in Wreck-It Ralph. Finally, the podcast eulogizes Roger Ebert.

The news for the week includes:

  • Disney shuts down LucasArts, cancels Star Wars 1313, Star Wars: First Assault
  • Thief to feature “classic mode”, removing all assists
  • Microsoft has a clear path to developing Killer Instinct after an agreement with Fox
  • The Witcher 3 confirmed to be DRM-free
  • Bethesda confirms “new version of Doom 4” being worked on, Rage 2 cancelled

There’s also Listener Feedback, and the Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm contest is still open – a winner will be announced next week.

Episode 304: Heart of the Swarm GiveawayEpisode 304: Heart of the Swarm Giveaway

Despite being recorded on April Fool’s Day, the podcast has no pranks, just a long political discussion and has Paul demanding no one say anything about BioShock Infinite. Speaking of that game, the crew announces the winner of the BioShock Infinite contest. This week has a Gaming History about the development of XCOM: UFO Defense.

This week’s news includes:

  • Cruel April Fool’s Joke posts fake Half-Life 2: Episode Three Steam page (see image below)
  • Path of Exile to feature yearly major expansions
  • Gamers want Assassin’s Creed every year, states UbiSoft Montreal
  • Former Diablo III director states the auction houses were a mistake
  • EA prez Gibeau: “DRM is a failed dead-end strategy”

There is a ton of feedback, plus a new contest to win a copy of Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm. The rule is the same as BioShock Infinite: listen to the podcast and comment on what is discussed.

Episode 303: BioShock Infinite Giveaway TimeEpisode 303: BioShock Infinite Giveaway Time

This week we’re giving away a free copy of BioShock Infinite for the Xbox 360! How do you win? Well, simply post a good comment! The contest winner will be announced two weeks from now.

In the meantime, the Gaming Flashback this time is the PlayStation One classic Chrono Cross, while Paul tries desperately to avoid listening to BioShock Infinite spoilers.

This week’s news includes:

  • THQ’s UDraw failure “invalidatedSaints Row: The Third‘s success
  • Levine: BioShock Infinite cost $100M to develop, and $100M to market
  • American McGee doesn’t “see anything meaningful” in the PS4, SimCity players “need to relax”
  • Schafer’s Double Fine Adventure project from Kickstarter is now Broken Age
  • Capcom announces DuckTales Remastered, developed by WayForward

All this and some Reader Feedback.

Episode 298: Fireside PodcastEpisode 298: Fireside Podcast

This week’s podcast is rife with arguing between Jonah, Jordan and Paul regarding computer science in schools and have a long discussion about the future of the Wii U. In this episode, the earliest MMOFPS PlanetSide gets a Gaming Flashback.

As far as the news items for the week:

  • Obama: Games innovate technology, interest children in computer science
  • Destiny preorders at Best Buy reveal info about Bungie’s upcoming game
  • Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn beta begins the 25th February
  • Rumor: Sony will use Gaikai to stream PS3 games in PS4
  • Wii U sold around 50,000 units in US in January
  • Take 2 confirms acquiring WWE license

All this and Reader Feedback as well as the Question of the Week: “How important is backwards compatibility to you?”

Episode 287: Dead CatsEpisode 287: Dead Cats

This week’s Gaming Podcast is chock full of news and reader feedback. Rather than do a Gaming Flashback, a conversation about the middling sales of the PlayStation Vita is discussed, while Paul is anxiously looking for a black Wii U so he can play Epic Mickey 2. We also hand out the indie game prizes to our two winners.

This week’s news includes:

  • Star Citizen hits $4.5M stretch goal, biggest crowd fundraiser ever
  • Black Ops 2 1.03 patch doesn’t fix server issues
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution film director tabbed
  • Spector: Epic Mickey 2 takes “choice and consequence to new levels

This week’s Question of the Week: What was the best game you ever played that cost less than $5?

In addition, this is the two days of Kickstarter funding. Help the TD Gaming Podcast with its Kickstarter fundraising.

Episode 280: Episode 280: Full of Drugs and an XCOM ContestEpisode 280: Episode 280: Full of Drugs and an XCOM Contest

Jordan Lund can’t make Episode 280, but fortunately, Paul S. Nowak makes his triumphant return, albeit pumped full of medication. Enjoy his drug-fueled babbling as he waxes poetic on the virtues of playing social networking games while high.

He was lucid enough to discuss the following news items with the gang, however:

  • Cryptic calls for new MMO review system
  • BioWare Mythic “can’t make all Ultima fans happy” but hope they “enjoy nostalgia”
  • PS3 version of Black Ops 2 includes optional hi-res texture install
  • Wii U gamepad won’t be sold separately at launch

Gaming Podcast is also running a new contest to win a free Steam code for the hotly anticipated XCOM: Enemy Unknown remake. All listeners have to do is answer the Question of the Week in the comments section, “What is your favorite game from the 1990’s?”

Episode 278: Second Chance to Win Borderlands 2Episode 278: Second Chance to Win Borderlands 2

This week’s episode has heated arguments between Jordan and Jonah, as this new podcast runs a little long. However, there are tons of news items to make up for the lack of a new show last week.

The news items include:

  • Bethesda’s Hines unexcited over next-gen console launch
  • Borderlands 2‘s melee skill tree for Zer0 “thanks to them ignoring” Pitchford
  • EA’s Gibeau brags he has not green-lit any single player games
  • Valve responds to angry indie developers over $100 Steam Greenlight fee
  • Crystal Dynamics: Lara Croft had become “unrelatable
  • City of Heroes may be saved from shutdown
  • Ron Gilbert blames point and click adventure stagnation on DOOM

The contest continues – just mention what your favorite game from the 2000’s was – and a winner will be announced next week.