Tag: Xbox 360

Episode 297: Intendo With An IEpisode 297: Intendo With An I

[Note: Due to a mic issue, some of the podcast is slightly distorted.]

This week’s podcast was recorded a day early due to schedule conflicts, but we make up for it with an actual Gaming Flashback this week of one of the most famous recent RPGs, Knights of the Old Republic.

In addition, there’s a ton of news:

  • Brad Wardell states RTS’s aren’t dying – just waiting
  • Microsoft considered buying Sega at one point
  • UK: Wii U sells just 34,000 pieces of software in January
  • Next World of Warcraft update to arrive in the “coming weeks”
  • thatgamecompany had been bankrupt when Journey shipped
  • Report: Next-gen Xbox will feature Siri-like voice recog
  • Ubisoft plans new Assassin’s Creed game for 2013/14, set in a new time period

All that plus Reader Feedback and a Question of the Week: “What was the first roleplaying game you enjoyed?”

Episode 289: Princess PodcastEpisode 289: Princess Podcast

In this episode of Gaming Podcast, Jonah states he got to see Wreck It Ralph, while Paul still can’t find a black Wii U. This week’s Gaming Flashback is the 2002 Gamecube launch title Super Mario Sunshine.

This week’s news includes:

  • The Lund Report: Black Friday 2012 NPD
  • Nintendo Power’s last issue released
  • Blizzard acquiredProject Blackstone‘ domain November 26th
  • Rumor: Next gen Xbox coming Holiday 2013
  • Dead Island: Riptide banned in Germany

All this and Reader Feedback, and the Question of the Week is, “Did you read many issues of Nintendo Power?”

Episode 274: ShrinkydinksEpisode 274: Shrinkydinks

This week’s episode features the crew heavily reminiscing about videogames that first got them excited about the hobby, while Jordan Lund surprisingly takes a contrary opinion that shocks the other podcasters. In addition to videogame news, the Gaming History takes a look at the Nintendo 64DD.

This week’s news includes:

  • Star Wars: The Old Republic going free-to-play in Fall
  • Report: Next Xbox console will support Windows 8
  • Paul Dini no longer penning Rocksteady Batman games
  • 2K exec thinks photorealism is necessary for emotional games
  • Borderlands 2 worldwide release will be “uncut

This week’s Question of the Week, “When was the first time that you really got into video games?”

Episode 257: The Golden BoysEpisode 257: The Golden Boys

This week’s episode has a lot of … personality. That is, a lot of mockery, cursing, sniping, and general chaos – making it one of the best podcasts ever. Jordan Lund wasn’t available due to commitments at work, so Dan Quick once again filled in, and as expected, got along with Paul S. Nowak famously, as they tagteamed Jonah Falcon. In the meantime, the Gaming Flashback this week was Civilization II.

This week’s news also made Paul explode. Twice:

  • Congressmen want warning labels on all games
  • Exec: Console version of Diablo III will be “full Blizzard experience”
  • Grand Theft Auto V details allegedly leaked
  • EVE Online FanFest Panel accused of “tasteless” behavior
  • Rumor: Microsoft to release ‘Xbox Lite’ before next-gen

The winners of The Darkness II contest were also announced. All this in an episode bursting full of good, old-fashioned bitchiness.

Mass Effect 3: What REALLY Went Wrong, And How To Fix ItMass Effect 3: What REALLY Went Wrong, And How To Fix It


In this day and age, one learns to take internet outrage with a heavy dollop of salt. The videogame community tends to be reactionary in the worst way, for a few reasons: they tend to be young, they tend to express their immediate feelings almost as a stream of consciousness, and let’s face it, the Greater Internet Dickwad Theory comes into play as well.

When it comes to game endings, when I hear that the community is upset about a game’s ending, I almost always take that as a good sign that the ending is daring and provocative. For example, there was an outcry over the abruptness of the ending of Halo 2, which had the nerve to conclude with a cliffhanger. The 2009 Prince of Persia reboot ended with the player undoing all of the work to free an ancient evil god they’d just imprisoned.

So when I heard that there was a growing outcry about the endings of Mass Effect 3, my interest peaked, because invariably, that meant the story was provocative and daring, instead of predictable and boring.


Episode 254: Mass Effect TrioEpisode 254: Mass Effect Trio

This week, the full man crew is back, and incredibly deep-voiced as they proclaim themselves the Protectors of Humanity™, as Mass Effect 3 launches today. The Gaming Flashback is a Gaming Preview of Assassin’s Creed 3.

This week’s news includes:

  • Microsoft: Xbox Live Arcade will be phased out eventually
  • Leaked images “nothing to do with” Doom 4, fans will “see awesome”
  • SimCity 5 coming in 2013
  • GAME drops 5% in shares after Mass Effect 3 no-show
  • Rumor: PlayStation 4 ditches Cell processor tech

This, and the most contentious Reader Feedback ever.

Episode 253: Future GenerationEpisode 253: Future Generation

This week, Paul is still not available, which is unfortunate, since the Gaming Flashback is the classic DuckTales for the NES. There’s also a bunch of scintillating news items including:

  • Pachter: Nintendo “Blew It” With Wii U, “In Disarray”
  • Bethesda hiring talent for Xbox 720, PlayStation 4 game
  • EA reveals Mass Effect 3 preorders well ahead of Mass Effect 2‘s
  • Pachter: Next generation Sony and Microsoft consoles will have 4GB SKU
  • Sony filed patent For Kinect-like motion device
  • PSN Minis not working on Vita

We also reveal the winner of the Pixie Diamonds contest.

Episode 252: DuckTalesEpisode 252: DuckTales

This week, Paul can’t make it, so we bring on a Paul substitute, Dan Quick of the PolyCast podcast – and the show doesn’t skip a beat thanks to Dan behaving like Paul without realizing it. This week’s Gaming Flashback explodes like a blood sausage with Wasteland.

This week’s news items include:

  • Dashboard update gives Indie Marketplace more visibility
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 outed by Amazon France
  • Skyrim DLC won’t follow same model as Fallout DLC
  • Electronic Arts terminates “free Battlefield 3 for preordering Mass Effect 3” deal early
  • Alan Wake on PC because Remedy “a nagging little kid” to Microsoft

In addition, we have Reader Feedback for Paul’s Pixie Diamonds contest – the winners will be determined next week. The contest’s Question of the Week remains the same: “Who is your favorite Disney Prince or Hero, and why?”

Episode 249: Milestone LoomingEpisode 249: Milestone Looming

For those of you good at math, you might notice that the TD Gaming Podcast is one episode away from a special number. While we have a surprise in store for loyal listeners, there’s still this week’s news to discuss. For starters, the classic Silent Hill 2 is the subject of the Gaming Flashback, even though none of the podcasters have gotten a chance to actually play it.

There’s also some interesting news to discuss, including:

  • Christian group accuses The Old Republic of “warping kids” with pro-gay message
  • Rumor: Next Harmonix project being released on XBLA, PSN, and Facebook
  • EA Sports: SSX will bring extreme sports videogames back to prominence
  • Xbox 720 rumors springing up like wildfire
  • PS Vita continues to struggle in Japan
  • SNK brings Neo*Geo back as a handheld

There’s plenty of Reader Feedback, but there’s no Question of the Week, because there’s a special episode coming up. Ooooh, what could it possibly be?

Episode 243: Bashing MicrosoftEpisode 243: Bashing Microsoft

The latest episode, which is on the short side after having a really long one two weeks ago, sees Paul returning from the flu with somewhat of a shady attitude this week. Meanwhile, the Gaming Flashback is the 1976 coin-op arcade game Blockade.

The news for this week includes:

  • Gabe Newell teases something for E3 2012 with a “3” in it
  • Richard Garriott working on Ultima successor
  • Microsoft includes “do not class action sue us” clause for Xbox Live
  • Bizarre circumstances surround GSC Game World

All that plus Reader Feedback and the Question of the Week, “What was your favorite handheld game?”