Resistance 2: Epic Scale of Huge Proportions

E3’s PlayStation 3 press release really started with Resistance 2. They show off a good deal of battle footage against a 300 foot leviathan in the middle of a crumbling city. The game definitely cries “scale” in terms of epic battles, monsters and emotional feel.

The trailer they presented after the game play demonstration was real footage of the game and shows off just how much Resistance looks like War of the Worlds. The trailer even included a radio commentator which reminds you of the War of the Worlds attack and has the same gritty battles, huge alien robots and flying ships floating over the massive city.

The trailer shows the scale and emotional feel of Resistance 2. This game may be a console seller if the trailer and game footage reflects the game and its core feeling. It makes Gears of War look tiny by comparison.

In the end, this exclusive PlayStation 3 title would keep the PlayStation 3 fans highly interested and attached to their beloved console along with bringing new folks to the PS3 domain. This game is definitely out to fight a battle with Gears of War 2.

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