Category: Editorial

Episode 374: Lost in a CrowdEpisode 374: Lost in a Crowd

This week’s episode of Gaming Podcast has a special guest co-host, Andrew Yoon, formerly of Joystiq and currently in card game and video game development. The Gaming Flashback is the one that started them all: LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game.

The slow news week includes:

  • DDoS service targeting PSN and Xbox powered by home Internet routers
  • Japanese console sales continued to slide in 2014
  • Evolve’s questionable bargain: pre-purchase to avoid the unlock grind
  • Sony delays PS4 in China

The Question of the Week: “What is your favorite, if any, LEGO videogames?”

Episode 373: Happy New 2015Episode 373: Happy New 2015

This is the first podcast of 2015, and Jonah and Paul are ready to get going, talking about their holiday gifts and their disappointment in the film Birdman. There’s no Gaming History or Gaming Flashback this week, but stay tuned for one next week.

The news in this episode includes:

  • FBI claimed to be investigating Xbox Live, PlayStation Network DDoS perps
  • GSC Gameworld re-opens for business
  • Halo 5 multiplayer beta gets more maps, weapons, and modes (from GameSpot)
  • Xbox Live founder leaves Microsoft

Also in the podcast is some Listener Feedback and the Question of the Week, “How much do you play online?”

Episode 372: Sony and The InterviewEpisode 372: Sony and The Interview

After a week off, Gaming Podcast recounts the eventful week that saw Song kowtowing to cyberterrorists over a Seth Rogen comedy, while Jonah and Paul have mixed opinions on the controversy.

The news this past week were also big, including:

  • Massive patch for Assassin’s Creed Unity issued
  • Blizzard considering gold-for-game-time trades in World of Warcraft
  • Valve returns Hatred to Greenlight after removal
  • Humble Bundle has raised over $50 million

This week also sees new Listener Feedback, and the Question of the Week: “Have you used Humble Bundle?”

Episode 367: A New BeginningEpisode 367: A New Beginning

The podcast is back as Paul S. Nowak is back from his vacation, and he brought back a new co-host with him. Devin Grimes, who once upon a time wrote for GameStooge, is now a part of the team. This week’s podcast also includes a new Gaming History, discussing the Nintendo DS.

The news items include:

  • Ebola scare drives sharp rise in Plague Inc. downloads
  • Twitch bans ‘sexually suggestive clothing’ in new terms
  • Dying Light cancelled for PS3 and 360
  • Xbox One available for $349 Starting November 2
  • Sony apologizes for Driveclub‘s ongoing launch woes

No Listener Feedback, but a new Question of the Week: “When did you first start listening to this podcast?”

Episode 366: Hashtag GamerGateEpisode 366: Hashtag GamerGate

One again, the episode gets a little political as it deals with the GamerGate controversy again. No Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, but plenty of annoyed podcasters. As a side note, there will be no podcast for the next two weeks as Paul will be on a trip. However, there will be a new podcaster when the show starts up again.

This week’s news includes:

  • Sarkeesian cancels Utah State presentation following threats of shooting
  • Former GamerGate member explains his departure
  • Unreal, BioShock dev Digital Extremes sold to Chinese companies
  • Games driving “nearly all” Google Play’s revenue growth in US
  • Mobile spending driven by 35-44-year-olds

All this plus Listener Feedback.

Episode 364: Ello, FacebookEpisode 364: Ello, Facebook

This week’s episode has a lot of tangential videogame news, but the discussions turn in interesting directions. No Gaming Flashback or Gaming History unfortunately.

The news includes:

  • Microsoft announces Windows 10
  • Ms Pac-Man joins the fight against breast cancer
  • Facebook apologizes to LGBTQ users, plans “substantive changes”
  • PS Vita firmware 3.30 launches soon, brings theme support
  • The Sims 4 free content updates to include pools, Star Wars costumes

No Question of the Week either – just ask us anything.

Episode 362: Getting PoliticalEpisode 362: Getting Political

This week’s episode gets a little political as certain factions get into the videogame discussion and have some interesting ideas about them, which is enough to get Paul a little angry and a lot disappointed.

This week’s news includes:

  • Rust creator: “I’d have done the same thing” on Mojang deal
  • Conservative group issues video lambasting gaming’s feminist critics
  • Trade your violent games in for ice cream in California
  • Xbox games may soon be streamed to PC

This episode also features the Question of the Week discussion about preorders and bonus content.

Episode 360: City of WarcraftEpisode 360: City of Warcraft

This week’s Gaming Flashback is a major one, in particle for Gaming Podcast: World of Warcraft, as the WoW guild established by Derrick and Jennifer is well-remembered. For Paul, however, World of Warcraft was and is the source of some deep pain.

Along with the Gaming Flashback, this week’s news includes:

  • NCsoft might allow players to resurrect the City of Heroes IP
  • Sega accuses Gearbox founder of “doing whatever the f— he likes”
  • Free full-version Xbox One game trials coming for Gold members
  • Thousands of developers sign plea for tolerance in gaming community
  • Dev on PS4?s 8GB RAM: “It didn’t really change that much for us”

All this plus Listener Feedback and the Question of the Week: “What are the strongest memories of World of Warcraft that you have?”

Episode 355: E3 Swag Bag Part 3Episode 355: E3 Swag Bag Part 3

This is the final week of the E3 Swag Bag giveaway, which includes a The Sims 4 bag, a The Sims 4 T-shirt, The Sims 4 sunglasses, and some other goodies like a Dragon Age: Inquisition T-shirt, a Farming Simulation 2014 cow, and so on. Paul is unavailable this week but Jordan’s wife Jennifer guest hosts, with the famed Kingdom Hearts being the Gaming Flashback.

This episode also includes the following news items:

  • Report: PS Vita no longer available at major retailers
  • No women allowed at upcoming Hearthstone tournament
  • Lindsay Lohan files suit over GTA V allegedly using her likeness
  • Sources: Crytek UK’s staff no longer going to work
  • Riot closing League Of Legends’ public chat

And once again, the Question of the Week: “What was your biggest takeaway from E3?”

Episode 353: E3 Swag BagEpisode 353: E3 Swag Bag

Jonah returns from attending E3 last week, as Jordan is a sick latecomer into the podcast. Jonah and Paul relate his near-disaster loss of his iPad Air, while Jordan does his best Don LaFontaine impressions in this episode which is 50% longer than normal.

The news discussed includes:

  • Hirshberg: Console transition pains not a bad problem to have
  • Destiny may possibly come to Windows PC
  • Nintendo’s top designer has “uneasiness” about virtual reality
  • How the Xbox One’s 10% GPU increase works without Kinect
  • PS4, Xbox One seeing much higher digital download attach rates

In addition to the news, there’s Listener feedback, and even better, a new contest to win an E3 Swag Bag – listen in to find out how to win (US listeners only, sorry.)