Category: Podcast

TD Gaming Podcast 103: Last of 2008TD Gaming Podcast 103: Last of 2008

Welcome to the last gaming podcast of 2008! This week we’re flashing back to Nobunaga’s Ambition, a classic turn based Japanese strategy game. We’ll take a look back at the history of FASA and hit up some gaming news, including:

This weeks soap box segement, we ask if the video game release cycle is too fast or too slow.

TD Gaming Podcast 102: Happy HolidaysTD Gaming Podcast 102: Happy Holidays

This week we’re cooking up some final holiday treats in the form of gaming history, news, retro flashbacks and general commentary. We’re looking back at the Need for Speed franchise, a little gaming history on Black Box Studios and covering some news stories:

This weeks soap box covers a little holiday cheer, what games did you love as a child, which game got you the most excited, what’s your best memory and most prized achievements in gaming. What game was a total turn off?

Wish wish everyone a happy holiday no matter what you celebrate, when you celebrate and how you celebrate. Party hard. Drive Safe. Enjoy.

Podcast Crew.

TD Gaming Podcast 101: A Case of HubrisTD Gaming Podcast 101: A Case of Hubris

This weeks gaming podcast rains on a lot of parades, talking about the Sony PS3 and its issues in the market, Microsoft’s scratch disk conspiracy and ugly sales figures for some games. This weeks news includes:

This weeks gaming history and flashback cover some religious games. This week we look into the history of Wisdom Tree and Konami’s game Noah’s Ark from 1992. The show is a bit late this week because we were without power from Thursday night until late Monday night, four days without power is humbling.

We’re also asking folks what would be on their holiday wish list if you could have any game or gadget of your dreams. Maybe a hot RPG, or sweet new console, retro-remakes or something entirely different!

Gaming Podcast DelaysGaming Podcast Delays

Thanks to the New Hampshire’s “State of Emergency” it looks as if we’ll have to delay the podcast a bit this week. We have had no electricity in four days and continue to have to deal with lack of power in our day-to-day life.

Once power is restored and we’re back online we’ll schedule a time to record the show. Until then, we’re offline until the electric company gets to our area. Hopefully we’ll be on the power grid today so we can record in our normal schedule but that’s more of a dream than an ETA.

TD Gaming Podcast 100: KatastroephicTD Gaming Podcast 100: Katastroephic

This weeks gaming podcast flashes back to Yo! Noid, for the NES and a bit of gaming history on Accolade while touching on some hot news topics:

This week’s soap box we’re asking you if you believe social networking and new media techniques will help or hinder the gaming industry.

TD Gaming Podcast 99: When Black Friday ComesTD Gaming Podcast 99: When Black Friday Comes

The TD Gaming Podcast brings you the news and some economic questions about the gaming industry. We’re also taking a look back at Cannon Fodder and the developer Sensible Software. This weeks gaming news includes:

Our gaming podcast crew reflects on the game industry, the economy and the insane day we call Black Friday here in the United States.

TD Gaming Podcast 98: I Was Bad AssTD Gaming Podcast 98: I Was Bad Ass

This week we’re giving our impressions of Wrath of the Lich King, taking a look back at Ikari Warriors for the arcade and NES. This weeks news covers a few cool topics:

This week we’re taking a historic look back at SNK Playmore, a company that managed to collapse yet rise from the flames under a new name with their old SNK franchise licenses. Also, we’ll announce the winners for our Bejeweled Twist Contest.

TD Gaming Podcast 97: A Third Level Coke DealerTD Gaming Podcast 97: A Third Level Coke Dealer

In this episode we’ve got a lot of MMO-style content and news. Although we’re not reviewing Wrath of the Lich King yet, we’ve got other subscription based news. This weeks gaming flashback is Defender and this weeks news includes:

This week we’re taking a look back at William Higinbotham, the man who created the first video game by accident but wants to be known for his nuclear nonproliferation work. This weeks podcast continues the contest to give away two copies of Bejeweled Twist on the gaming podcast and another two copies in our gaming podcast forums.

TD Gaming Podcast 96: Nobody Wants To Give Me Their SkinTD Gaming Podcast 96: Nobody Wants To Give Me Their Skin

This week we’re looking at some crazy news articles, looking back at Jungle Hunt and covering our review of the casual game, Bejeweled Twist from Popcap. This weeks news includes:

This weeks soapbox tackles the question, “would gamers be interested in non-violent cooperative games?” This weeks podcast ends with a new contest to give away two copies of Bejeweled Twist on the gaming podcast and another two copies in our gaming podcast forums.

TD Gaming Podcast 95: Bad Judgement of MMOsTD Gaming Podcast 95: Bad Judgement of MMOs

This weeks gaming podcast covers two reviews, including LittleBigPlanet and Guitar Hero: World Tour. We also touch on a bit of retro NES history with ExciteBike. This weeks gaming news includes:

We’re also stepping on our soap box and asking if MMO’s are too risky for consumers who buy into MMO’s that fail in under a year.