Tag: MMO

Episode 319: Someone Is Butt-Hurt About MicrosoftEpisode 319: Someone Is Butt-Hurt About Microsoft

There’s no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, but there is a crapton of news this week on TD Gaming Podcast, which Jonah Falcon and Jordan Lund eagerly read.

That, and Jordan really wants to know what you have been playing.

The news this week includes:

  • Microsoft officially announces indie self-publishing, to be unveiled at GamesCom 2013
  • Phil Fish explodes on Twitter, cancels Fez II in a huff
  • Shadow of the Eternals back on Kickstarter, no longer episodic
  • Neil Gaiman has announced his first videogame, Wayward Manor
  • Lanning: Nintendo will be around for “100 years,” but probably not Zynga or Microsoft
  • Activision-Blizzard buys out $8.2B of its own stock from Vivendi
  • Paid subscribership of World of Warcraft down to 7.7M

All this and Listener feedback.

Episode 310: Halo Makes You Feel OldEpisode 310: Halo Makes You Feel Old

This week’s podcast features a Gaming Flashback of Halo: Combat Evolved, one of the longest such game segments in the podcast’s history, encompassing a third of the podcast.

This week’s news items includes:

  • Blizzard decides against rolling back Diablo III servers following gold exploit
  • Defiance to get 5 major DLC packs in the next year
  • Report: Next-gen Xbox console called “Xbox Infinity”
  • Obsidian expresses desire to develop Star Wars RPG
  • EA to stop licensing with weapons manufacturers, will keep using branded guns

There’s only one reader response, but there is a Question of the Week: “What videogame genre are you completely burned out on?”

Episode 298: Fireside PodcastEpisode 298: Fireside Podcast

This week’s podcast is rife with arguing between Jonah, Jordan and Paul regarding computer science in schools and have a long discussion about the future of the Wii U. In this episode, the earliest MMOFPS PlanetSide gets a Gaming Flashback.

As far as the news items for the week:

  • Obama: Games innovate technology, interest children in computer science
  • Destiny preorders at Best Buy reveal info about Bungie’s upcoming game
  • Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn beta begins the 25th February
  • Rumor: Sony will use Gaikai to stream PS3 games in PS4
  • Wii U sold around 50,000 units in US in January
  • Take 2 confirms acquiring WWE license

All this and Reader Feedback as well as the Question of the Week: “How important is backwards compatibility to you?”

Episode 294: Naked BribingEpisode 294: Naked Bribing

This week has a full crew again with Jordan, Jonah, Paul and Dan, and even though there’s no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, there’s a ton of news to pour over.

This week’s news includes:

  • Jay Wilson steps down from Diablo III stewardship
  • The Secret World sees ‘400% increase in activity’ after December relaunch
  • Mojang: Minecraft XBLA outsold Minecraft PC in 2012
  • Gas Powered Games confirms major layoffs
  • Sony settles lawsuit with Kevin Butler actor Jerry Lambert
  • Pachter: Nintendo is “a few years late” in everything they do

On a sadder note, Dan announced a day after the podcast recording that he will be employed full-time and no longer have the time to be a regular member of the podcast.

This week’s Question of the Week: “What game do you want to see a sequel to the most?”

Episode 291: Monster PoopEpisode 291: Monster Poop

This week it’s Jordan Lund’s turn to be absent, while Jonah Falcon and Paul Nowak discuss just how bad The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is. This week’s Gaming Flashback is Peter Molyneux’s ambitious title Black & White.

In the news:

  • Silicon Knights’ cancelled games revealed
  • Gabe Newell: Valve planning console-like PC for living room
  • Windows Store “begins accepting” 18-rated games
  • Rockstar muses on “one big world containing all” GTA cities
  • Defiance‘s TV show and game “stand up on their own,” don’t ‘need’ one another

There’s also some Reader Feedback, while the Question of the Week is, “How in tune with an MMO’s story are you while playing?”

Episode 279: Wii YouEpisode 279: Wii You

This week’s Gaming Podcast once again lacks Paul S. Nowak, which is a shame since the price for the Wii U has been released. Paul as the resident Nintendo representative would have been nice to have in the episode to give his views.

This week’s podcast includes the following news items:

  • Wii U priced at $300 for basic, $350 for deluxe
  • Dragon Age III: Inquisition officially announced
  • Obsidian unveils Kickstarter title Project Eternity, raise $1M in 24 hours
  • Cliff Bleszinski wants to see “no disc based games” next-gen
  • Guild Wars 2 surpasses 2 million units

We also announce the winner of the Borderlands 2 contest. This week’s Question of the Week, “What game(s) have you been playing this week?”

Episode 276: Covered in ConcreteEpisode 276: Covered in Concrete

Paul is not in the podcast, and will be out for the next couple of weeks as he recovers from major surgery. In the meantime, the podcast chugs on with three podcasters, as Jordan relays what he thought of the Sony Gamescom 2012 press conference.

In the meantime, the news items include:

All that plus Reader Feedback wishing Paul well (sorry, Kizer, we didn’t moderate your message til after recording), as well as this week’s Question of the Week, “When is the right time to cut the price of a console?”

Episode 257: The Golden BoysEpisode 257: The Golden Boys

This week’s episode has a lot of … personality. That is, a lot of mockery, cursing, sniping, and general chaos – making it one of the best podcasts ever. Jordan Lund wasn’t available due to commitments at work, so Dan Quick once again filled in, and as expected, got along with Paul S. Nowak famously, as they tagteamed Jonah Falcon. In the meantime, the Gaming Flashback this week was Civilization II.

This week’s news also made Paul explode. Twice:

  • Congressmen want warning labels on all games
  • Exec: Console version of Diablo III will be “full Blizzard experience”
  • Grand Theft Auto V details allegedly leaked
  • EVE Online FanFest Panel accused of “tasteless” behavior
  • Rumor: Microsoft to release ‘Xbox Lite’ before next-gen

The winners of The Darkness II contest were also announced. All this in an episode bursting full of good, old-fashioned bitchiness.

Episode 246: Computer SpecsEpisode 246: Computer Specs

CES 2012 is going strong, as Jonah and Jordan do tonight’s podcast without Paul, who is packing for a trip. This week’s Gaming Flashback is the notorious Custer’s Revenge, and a punch of intriguing news and rumors comprise this week’s topics:

  • Fallout MMO rights belong to Bethesda as Interplay settles
  • Pachter sez there’s “zero chance” of PS4 at E3 2012
  • Rumor: Next Xbox tablet-based?
  • Rumor: Kaz Hirai to return as president of Sony
  • Diablo III release held due to South Korea (from GameFront)

Plenty of Reader Feedback this week, which is good because we forgot to include a Question of the Week this time.

Episode 245: Hello 2012Episode 245: Hello 2012

This week is double-stuffed full of goodness, with over two hours of podcast, as Jonah, Paul and Jordan cover not only the news of the last week, but also recap 2011, talking about games that pleased and disappointed them.

Aside from the biggest news of 2011, the current news items the gang listed to include:

  • Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony all pull support from SOPA – sort of
  • Wii U launch price expected to be $399
  • Guitar Hero may return in 2012
  • Judge ruling deals Silicon Knights a serious blow in suit against Epic Games
  • FlatOut 3 dev calls Modern Warfare 3 a “beta
  • Bioware defends The Old Republic subscription model, teases free-to-play for older IPs

The podcast also received a ton of new Reader Feedback, while the Question of the Week is “Which would you rather game on – a handheld console or a mobile device?”